Data Mining Technology for Business and Society

Master's Degree in Data Science

Data Mining Technology for Business and Society

Academic year 2021/202


Prof. Luca Becchetti: becchetti@

Prof. Stefano Leonardi:


Dr. Adriano Fazzone:

Dr. Federico Siciliano:

Zoom link:

Enroll on the Google Classroom Site for Information and Material on the Class


Tuesday, 08:00 - 10:00, Room 15 - CU037, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5

Thursday, 15:00 - 19:00, Room 15 - CU037, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5

For meeting the instructors arrange an appointment by email

Program of the course:

The course will cover the following topics with lessons, laboratory and seminars from experts of specific applications.

Section I – Search Engine Technology

  • Boolean queries, Document Ranking and vectorial model

  • Evaluation of a Search Engine

  • Search Engine Technologies - Crawling

  • Locality - Sensitive Hashing e Duplicate detection

  • Link-analysis ranking

Section II – Recommender Systems

  • Content-based Recommendation

  • Collaborative Filtering

  • Matrix factorization

  • Dimensionality reduction

  • Singular Value Decomposition - Principal Component Analysis - LSI

Section III – Classification and Learning

  • Text Classification Unsupervised and Supervised

  • kNN, Naive Bayes, SVM

  • Introduction to NLP and Deep Learning

  • Applications: Fact checking and Misinformation


There are two possibilities for the exam:

i) Deliver three homeworks assigned during the term and show good knowledge of the

topics of the course during an oral exam of discussion of the homeworks (Highly Recommended)

ii) Deliver a project assigned by the instructor and take a written exam

More details will be given during the class.


Ref 1. Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan, Henrich Schueze Introduction to Information Retrieval, Cambridge University Press, 2008

Ref 2. J. Leskovec, A. Rajaraman, and J. Ullman, Mining of Massive Datasets, Cambridge University Press.