
Adivasis and the Raj: Socio-economic Transition of the Hos, 1820-1932, Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2011, 2a ed. 2013. pp. 1-367. ISBN 978-81-250-4198-6.

Il sistema istituzionale dell’India, Firenze 2019. pp. 1-190. ISBN: 978-88-3363-202-5.


(con Raj Sekhar Basu) Narratives from the Margins: Aspects of  Adivasi History and Culture  in Colonial and Post-Colonial India, Revised and Enlarged Edition, New Delhi: Primus Books, 2019, pp. 1-319 . ISBN 978-93-5290-527-0.

(con Arun Bandopadhyay) In Quest of the Historian's Craft: Essays in Honour of Prof. B.B. Chaudhuri, Vol.1: The Economy, New Delhi: Manohar,  2018. pp. i-xxvi, 514. ISBN 978-93-5098-196-2.

(con Arun Bandopadhyay) In Quest of the Historian's Craft: Essays in Honour of Prof. B.B. Chaudhuri, Vol.2: Polity, Society and Culture, New Delhi: Manohar,  2018. pp. 515-1000. ISBN 978-93-5098-197-9.

(con Gunnel Cederlöf) Subjects, Citizens and Law: Colonial and independent India, Routledge: Delhi, 2017, ISBN 978-1-138-74393-9; Routledge: London e New York, 2017, ISBN: 978-1-138-22844-3 (a stampa), ISBN: 978-1-315-39250-9 (online), pp.1-218.

(con Raj Sekhar Basu) Narratives from the Margins: Aspects of  Adivasi History and Culture  in Colonial and Post-Colonial India, New Delhi: Primus Books, 2012, pp. 1-298 . ISBN 978-93-80607-10-8.

(con Raj Sekhar Basu) Narratives of the Excluded: Caste Issues in Colonial India, Calcutta: K.P. Bagchi, 2008, pp. 1-266.  ISBN 81-7074-308-7.

Curatele Numeri Special di Riviste

(con Amit Prakash), 'De-centring Dominant Narratives in India’, numero speciale di Rivista Degli Studi Orientali , Supplemento 2, 2018; ISSN:0392-4866.

(con Rossella Ciocca) ‘Out of Hidden India: Adivasi histories, stories, visual arts, and performances’, Numero speciale di Anglistica AION 19.1 (2015), ISSN 2035-8504.

Series Editor

SAMAJ- EASAS Thematic Issue Series:

(con Alessandra Consolaro):  Vol. 23, 2020: Unique Identification in India: Aadhaar, Biometrics and Technology-Mediated Identities

(con Alessandra Consolaro e José Mapril): Vol. 21, 2019, Representations of the “Rural” in India from the Colonial to the Post-Colonial

Articoli su rivista

 ‘From ‘folk’ to digital: Transformation of Bengal paṭacitra art in the times of Coronavirus’, Special Issue on ‘Civil Society in the Time of Covid-19’, Naveiñ Reet: Nordic Journal of Law and Social Research

Christianity and Conversion Among Adivasis: Vignettes of the Santal Experience in 19th-Century Bengal’, Rivista degli Studi Orientali, n. s., xciv, 2-4, 2021, DOI: 10.19272/202103804012

‘Environmental Change, Health and Disease in Bengal’s Western Frontier: Chotanagpur between 1800-1950s’, Journal of the Asiatic Society, Vol. LXII No. 4 2020, ISSN 0368-3308, pp. 67-84.

'Indigeneity and violence: the Adivasi experience in eastern India', International Review of Sociology, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/03906701.2020.1807862

'Writing travel across the Bay of Bengal: Bengali accounts of Burma in the early 20th century’, The Newsletter (IIAS), No. 85 Spring 2020

'Looking East: Women's Travel Writings in Early 20th century Bengal', Rivista degli Studi Orientali,  n.s., Vol. XCII, Nos. 3-4 2019.

'Marriage and Migration: The Private and the Public in Hariprabha Takeda's Accounts of Japan,' Rivista degli Studi Orientali,  n.s., Vol. XCII, Nos. 3-4 2019.

"Imagining the 'Tribe' in Colonial and Post-Independence India," Politeja, No 2 (59), 2019,

“History Or Tradition? Exploring Adivasi Pasts in 19th Century Jharkhand”, Rivista degli Studi Orientali, n.s.,Vol XCI, Supplemento 2, 2018,

(con Amit Prakash) “De-centring dominant narratives in India: An Introduction”, Rivista degli Studi Orientali, n.s.,Vol XCI, Supplemento 2, 2018,

“From Rebellion to Litigation: Chotanagpur Tenancy Act (1908) and the Hos of Kolhan Government Estate”, Irish Journal of Anthropology, 19.1 (dic. 2016), numero speciale 'Emerging Adivasi and Indigenous Studies in Ireland II", a cura di Marine Carrin e Lidia Guzy. ISSN: 1393-8592, pp.31-45.

(con Rossella Ciocca) “Introduction”, Anglistica AION 19.1 (2015), Numero speciale ‘Out of Hidden India: Adivasi histories, stories, visual arts, and performances’,  ISSN 2035-8504, pp.1-11.

“Customs, Rights and Identity: Adivasi Women in Eastern India”, Anglistica AION 19.1 (2015), Numero speciale ‘Out of Hidden India: Adivasi histories, stories, visual arts, and performances’, ISSN 2035-8504, pp. 93-104.

“Between the ‘real’ and the ‘imagined’: Nineteenth and twentieth century British accounts of nature in Chotanagpur”, in Rivista Studi Orientali, Supplemento n. 2, 2015, ISSN: 03924866, pp. 215-232.

“Le donne che hanno fermato l’onda Modi”, in Italianieuropei, 2014, vol. 4, ISSN 1593-5124,pp.137-142.

“Colonial Rule versus Indigenous Knowledge in Bengal’s Western Frontier”, in RCC Perspectives, Rachel Carson Center, Special Issue on ‘Asian Environments: Connections across Borders, Landscapes and Times',  2014, vol. 3, ISSN 2190-5088, pp. 45-52.

“Accessing Nature: Agrarian Change, Forest Laws and their Impact on an adivasi Economy in Colonial India” in Conservation & Society, ottobre-dicembre 2009, 7(4). DOI: 10.4103/0972-4923.65170, ISSN: 09724923, pp. 227-238.

"Perceiving the 'Other': British Rule and the Hos of Singhbhum", History, The University of Burwan, vol. X, 2011, pp. 41-50.

“Educating the Nation: A Discussion of Mahatma Gandhi’s Ideas”, in ICFAI University Journal of History and Culture, ottobre 2008, 2(4). ISSN: 0973-8517. Ref # 52J-2008-10-05-01, pp. 66-82 .

"The Rebellion of 1857 in Singhbhum”, Journal of Historical Research, Vols. 49-50, 2008.

“Writing Histories of Adivasis of Central India”, in Contemporary Perspectives: History and Sociology of South Asia, 2008, 2 (1), ISSN: 0973-7879, pp.175-201.

"Impact of Forest Laws on an Indigenous Society: the Hos of Singhbhum, 1820-1932”, in Indian Historical Review, luglio 2006, 33 (2). DOI:10.1177/037698360603300203, ed. a stampa ISSN: 0376-9836, ed. online ISSN: 0975-5977, pp. 39-65,

“The Changing World of the Singhbhum Hos, 1820-1932” in un numero speciale su ‘Adivasis in Colonial India’, Indian Historical Review, gennaio 2006, 33(1), pp.76-98. DOI:10.1177/037698360603300105, ed. a stampa ISSN: 0376-9836, ed. online ISSN: 0975-5977,

“Colonial Forest Policy and Tribal Identity: a Case Study of the Ho of Singhbhum, 1880-1932” Visva Bharati Annals, New Series vol. 6,  in un numero speciale su ‘Understanding Health and Ecology in Rural Bengal during Colonial Rule’ (a cura di) Suchibrata Sen e Sandeep Basu Sarbadhikary, 2004.

“Women in the Traditional World of the Singhbhum Hos”, in Bengal Past and Present, 122 (234-235, parti 1-2). ISSN: 0005-8807, pp. 56-67.


Saggi in volume

 ‘Travels in Italy: Bengali Writings in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries’, in Paromita Chakravarti & Mario Prayer eds. Bengal and Italy: Transcultural Encounters from the Mid-19th to the Early 21st Century, New York & Oxford: Routledge, 2024.

'Site of deficiency and site of hope: the village in colonial South Asia', in Harald Fischer-Tiné and Maria Framke eds. Routledge Handbook of the History of Colonialism in South Asia, Routledge: London, 2022, ISBN 9781138364844

"Introduction", in Sanjukta Das Gupta and Raj Sekhar Basu (a cura di), Narratives from the Margins: Aspects of  Adivasi History and Culture  in Colonial and Post-Colonial India, Revised and Enlarged Edition, New Delhi: Primus Books, 2019, pp. 1-319 . ISBN 978-93-5290-527-0.

"Claiming Rights, Negotiating Relationships: Changes in Ho Society under Colonial Rule", in  Arun Bandopadhyay e Sanjukta Das Gupta  (a cura di),  In Quest of the Historian's Craft: Essays in Honour of Prof. B.B. Chaudhuri, New Delhi: Manohar,  2018, ISBN 978-93-5098-196-2, pp. 407-434.

"Introduction", in  Arun Bandopadhyay e Sanjukta Das Gupta  (a cura di),  In Quest of the Historian's Craft: Essays in Honour of Prof. B.B. Chaudhuri, New Delhi: Manohar,  2018, ISBN 978-93-5098-196-2, pp.xiii-xxvi

“A homeland for ‘tribal’ subjects: Revisiting British colonial experimentations in the Kolhan Government Estate”, in Gunnel Cederlöf e Sanjukta Das Gupta (a cura di), Subjects, Citizens and Law: Colonial and independent India, Routledge: Delhi, 2017, ISBN 978-1-138-74393-9; Routledge: London e New York, 2017, ISBN: 978-1-138-22844-3 (a stampa), ISBN: 978-1-315-39250-9 (online), pp. 102-121.

“Accessing nature: Agrarian change, forest laws and their impact on an adivasi economy in colonial India”, in Arun Bandopadhyay (a cura di), Nature, Knowledge, Development: Critical Essays on the Environmental History of India, Delhi: Primus 2015,  ISBN: 978-93-84082-61-1.

“'Tribal' Policy in India: The Nehruvian years”, in R. Chakrabarti e K. Chatterjee (a cura di), The Nation and Its Tribal People: Historical Political and Literary Perspectives, Kolkata:  Books Way, 2014,  ISBN No. 978-93-81672-88-4. pp. 33-44.

“‘The eye of a diku is like the eye of a dog’: Changing Role of Dikus in an Adivasi Society of Chota Nagpur under Colonial Rule” in Biswamoy Pati e Lata Singh (a cura di), Colonial and Contemporary Bihar and Jharkhand, New Delhi: Primus Books, 2013,  ISBN: 978-93-80607-92-4. pp. 39-57.

“Colonial Rule and Tribal Agriculture: The Kolhan Government Estate in Chota Nagpur,” in Shireen Moosvi (a cura di), Capitalism, Colonialism and Globalization — Studies in Economic Change, Delhi: Tulika, 2011,  ISBN: 978-81-89487-74-4. pp. 56-71.

“Rethinking Adivasi Identity: The Chota Nagpur Tenancy Act (1908) and its aftermath among the Hos of Singhbhum”, in Biswamoy Pati (a cura di), Adivasis in Colonial India: Survival, Resistance and Negotiation, Delhi: Orient Black Swan, 2010, ISBN: 978-81-250-4094-1. pp.88-111.

 “The Tribal Issue, 1964-1984”, in Aditya Mukherjee (a cura di), A Centenary History of the Indian National Congress, Vol. V: 1964-1984, Delhi: Academic Foundation, 2011,  ISBN: 978-81-7188-864-1, pp. 245-282.

 “Colonial Rule and Agrarian Transition in Singhbhum”, in Sanjukta Das Gupta e R.S. Basu (a cura di), Narratives from the Margins: Aspects of Adivasi History in India, New Delhi: Primus Books, 2012, . ISBN: 978-93-80607-10-8. pp. 153-177

“Introduction”, in Sanjukta Das Gupta e R.S. Basu (a cura di), Narratives from the Margins: Aspects of Adivasi History in India, New Delhi: Primus Books, 2012, ISBN: 978-93-80607-10-8, pp. 1-16.

“Remembering Gonoo: The Profile of an Adivasi Rebel of 1857,” in Biswamoy Pati (a cura di), The Great Rebellion of 1857 in India: Exploring Transgressions, Contests and Diversities, London & New York: Routledge, 2010,  ISBN: 978-0-415-55843-3 (hbk); 978-0-203-86539-2 (ebk). pp. 32-45.

“Agrarian Expansion under Colonial Rule and its Impact on a Tribal Economy” in Elisabetta Basile e Ishita Mukhopadhyay (a cura di), The Changing Identity of Rural India: A Socio-historic Analysis, New Delhi: Anthem Press, 2009, ISBN-13: 978-81-9075-70-2-7. pp. 229-258.

“Encountering Colonial Modernity: British Rule and the Hos of Singhbhum”, in Kaushik Bandyopadhyay (a cura di) Interrogating Modernities: Perspectives on Asian History, Kolkata: Setu, 2009, ISBN 978-93-80677-02-6, pp. 91-116.

“The Indian Diaspora in the Caribbean,” in J.K. Ray (a cura di) Interpreting the Indian Diaspora: Lessons from History and Contemporary Politics, vol. 10, parte 8 di D.P. Chattopadhyay (a cura di),  Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture, New Delhi: Centre for the Study of Civilizations, 2009, ISBN: 81-87586-38-9. pp. 49-64.

(con R.S. Basu) “Introduction”, in R.S. Basu e Sanjukta Das Gupta (a cura di), Narratives of the Excluded: Caste Issues in Colonial India, Calcutta:  K.P. Bagchi, 2008,  ISBN: 81-7074-308-7. pp. 1-23.

“Rebellion in a ‘Little-Known’ District of the Empire: 1857 and the Hos of Singhbhum”, in Sabyasachi Bhattacharya (a cura di), Rethinking 1857, Delhi: Orient Longman, 2007, ISBN-13: 978-81-250-3269-4. pp. 96-119.

“Peasant and Tribal Movements in Colonial Bengal: A Historiographical Overview,” in Sekhar Bandyopadhyay (a cura di), Bengal: Rethinking History. Essays in Historiography, New Delhi: Manohar, 2001, ISBN: 81-7304-400-7. pp. 65-92.


Articoli in Bengali

‘আইনবিধি ও আদিবাসী সমাজ: ঔপনিবেশিক বাংলার এক চিত্র’ (Legal Codes and Adivasi Society: Instances from Colonial Bengal) in Goutam Niyogi, Nirban Basu and Soumitra Sreemani eds., Itihaser Baichitra: Adhyapak Binay Bhushan Chaudhuri Sammanana Grantha, Kolkata: Bangiya Itihas Samiti, 2017, ISBN: 978-81-929386-2-2, pp. 120-132.

"১৮৫৭ ও ছোটোনাগপুরের বিদ্রোহ", “1857 o Chotonagpurer Bidroho” ("1857 e la rivolta in Chota Nagpur") in Sabyasachi Bhattacharya (a cura di), Drohokal, Bengal Association, New Delhi, 2008, ISBN: 978-81-905926-8-0. pp. 298-305.

"মার্ক্সবাদী দৃষ্টির প্রেক্ষিতে ভারতীয় ইতিহাস",“Marxbadi Drishtir Prekshitey Bharatiyo Itihas”, (“la storia indiana dal punto di vista marxista”), Rabindra Bharati Patrika, n.s., 2000, 1-4. ISSN: 0975- 0037.


Atti di convegni

"Claiming Half the Sky: Aspects of Women's Movements in India after Independence", in Tiziana Lorenzetti ed. Voices of Freedom Society, Culture and Ideas in the 70th Year of India’s Independence, Rome: ISMEO, 2020, ISBN 9788866871774

"Remembering ‘Tribal’ India: Landscape, Ethnology and Governance in Chotanagpur and Santal Parganas in the Nineteenth Century” in Tiziana Lorenzetti e Fabio Scialpi (a cura di), Glimpses of Indian History and Art: Reflections on the Past, Perspectives for the Future, Rome: Sapienza Università Editrice, 2012,  ISBN: 978-88-95814-85-8. pp.271-293.

“Cultural Contacts Between BIMSTEC Countries and Japan: An Historical Survey”, in Towards BIMSTEC-Japan Comprehensive Cooperation: Benefits of Moving Together, London: Anthem Press, 2006, ISBN-13: 9781843317203. 


Traduzione in Lingue Orientali (Bengali)

‘ভারতের উত্তর-পূর্ব সীমান্তে সাম্রাজ্য স্থাপন, ১৭৯০-১৮৪০: আবহাত্তয়া, বাণিজ্য, রাজ্যতন্ত্র’, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2018, pp. 1-264 (traduzione di Gunnel Cederlöf, Founding an Empire on India’s North-eastern Frontiers, 1790-1840: Climate, Commerce, Polity).      


Encyclopedia Entries

‘Colonial Representations of Adivasi Pasts of Jharkhand, India: the Archives and Beyond’, in Nathalie Kouamé, Éric P. Meyer, Anne Viguier ed. Encyclopédie des historiographies: Afriques, Amériques, Asies: Volume 1: sources et genres historiques (Tome 1 et Tome 2) [en ligne]. Paris: Presses de l’Inalco, 2020 (généré le 30 avril 2020). Disponible sur Internet : <>. ISBN: 9782858313457.

‘Changes in Society and Religion of the Ho of Singhbhum under British Colonial Rule, 1907–1932’, Brill's Encyclopedia of the Religions of Indigenous People of South Asia, Leiden, Brill, 2019.

"Munda Languages", D. Levinson D. and K. Christensen (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Modern Asia, vol.4, Berkshire Reference Works, Schribners, 2002, pp. 211-14. ISBN: 0-684-80617-7.

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Monika Browarczyk, Narrating Lives, Narrating Selves: Women’s Autobiographies in Hindi, Poznan-Krakow: UAM, in Cracow Indological Studies 22 (1): 255-258, October 2020, DOI: 10.12797/CIS.22.2020.01.11

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Deborah Sutton, Other Landscapes: Colonialism and the Predicament of Authority in Nineteenth-Century South India, in American Historical Review, 2013 118:1166-1166. ed. online ISSN 1937-5239 - ed. a stampa ISSN 0002-8762

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