

Present affiliation: Department of Physics – “Sapienza” University of Rome - P.le A. Moro, 2 – 00185 – Rome, ITALY

Telephone: +39-06-49914690 (office) , +39-06-49914201 (lab) Fax: +39-06-4957697 e-mail: marco.depetris at

Degree in Physics at the Department of Physics of the University "La Sapienza" in Rome.

Postgraduate degree at the Specialization School in Optics at National Institute of Optics - CNR, Florence.

Author, or co-author, of papers on referred international journals and of papers published on proceedings: see Publications webpage.

Employments: 1988-1990 Laboratory Assistant, 1990-2001 Faculty Research Staff, 2001-2020 Faculty Assistant Professor and 2020-present Associate Professor.

National Scientific Qualification for Full Professor, 02/C1 (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale), valid from 05/06/2023 to 05/06/2034

      Teaching diuties 

Assistant Professor

“Laboratorio di Strumentazione e Misura” AA2001-2002 (Laurea Triennale in Fisica e in Fisica & Astrofisica)

“Laboratorio di Meccanica” AA2001-2002 -> AA2009-2010 (Laurea Triennale in Fisica e in Fisica & Astrofisica)


“Applied Optics” AA2002-2003 –> AA2006-2007 (Laurea Triennale in Fisica & Astrofisica)

“Astronomical Optics” AA2007-2008 –> today (Laurea Magistrale in Astronomia & Astrofisica LM58)

"Fisica con elementi di statistica" AA2020-2021 (Laurea Magistrale in Farmacia LM13)

More details about the Teaching duties are listed in Didattica

Advisor of several students (2 in co-tuthele) for PhD in Astronomy (y<2011) and then in PhD in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science (y>2011).

Thesis director of students for Degree in Physics (Laurea in Fisica Vecchio Ordinamento, y<2001)

Thesis director of students for Master Degree in Astronomy and Astrophysics (Laurea Specialistica, now Magistrale in Astronomia e Astrofisica, y>2001)

Thesis director of students for Bachelor Degree in Physics and Astrophysics (Laurea Triennale in Fisica & Astrofisica e in Fisica)

The full list of students with Thesis project titles are listed in Tesi di Laurea e Dottorato

University/Department Service

Graduate Advisor (1996-present)

Thesis Committees Member: (2001-present)

PhD in Astronomy Admissions Committee Member (2005 and 2008)

Fellowship Committee Member (2002-present)

Member of PhD Astronomy Committee (2002-present)

Member of several National Funding requests (1990-present)

Scientific Guide for students excursion to Testa Grigia Observatory (AO - Italy) (2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2010)

Affiliation to INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica) since June 2005.

Affiliation to INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) since July 2006.

Member of IAU (International Astronomical Union) since September 2006.

Member of RIAA (Rete Interuniversitaria per l’Astronomia e l’Astrofisica - Roma 1).

External Reviewer for the French Polar Institute Paul-Emile Victor (IPEV).

Expert Evaluator selected by the Coordination and Evaluation division della Spanish National Research del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades since Agust 2017.

Referee for the Italian Research and University Evaluation Agency (ANVUR) to evaluate the Italian research system output in the period 2004-2010 and 2011-2014 (VQR) for the Physical Sciences Panel.

Member of the referees panel to select the research projects of "Programma per Giovani Ricercatori 'Rita Levi Montalcini' "in 2014.

More details about the Institutional duties are listed in Incarichi Istituzionali (only italian)

Referee per la rivista scientifica internazionale: The Astronomical Journal 

Referee per la rivista scientifica internazionale: Journal of Geophysics Research (Atmospheres) 

Referee per la rivista scientifica internazionale: Journal of Instrumentation (JINST) 

Referee per la rivista scientifica internazionale: Journal of Low Temperature Physics  

Referee per la rivista scientifica internazionale: Antarctic Science 

Referee per la rivista scientifica internazionale: Astronomy & Astrophysics 

Referee per la rivista scientifica internazionale: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 

Referee per la rivista scientifica internazionale: Experimental Astronomy 

Editor of AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings, Volume 616, (2002).

Editor of “Department of Physics Scientific Report 2007-2009” - Sapienza Universita` di Roma”, 2010

Editor of "mm Universe @ NIKA2" Conference Proceedings that will be published in EPJ Web of Conference, vol. 257.

SOC member of “Experimental Cosmology At Millimetre Wavelengths: 2K1BC” Workshop (Breuil-Cervinia, Valle d'Aosta, Italy, 9-13 July, 2001)

SOC member of "Francesco Melchiorri Memorial Conference" (Rome, Italy, April 12-14, 2006)

SOC member of “A New Era For Sz Science” (Santander, Spain, June 27-30, 2011)

SOC member of “Observing the millimeter Universe with the NIKA2 camera” Laboratory of Subatomic Physics & Cosmology, IN2P3 (CNRS), Université Grenoble Alpes a Grenoble (France) June 3-7, 2019

SOC member of ““NIKA2 LPSZ team meeting” Sapienza University, Rome - February 27-28, 2020

SOC and LOC member of “Observing the millimeter Universe with the NIKA2 camera - 2nd Edition” Department of Physics at Sapienza University - June 28 - July 2, 2021

SOC member of “Observing the millimeter Universe with the NIKA2 camera - 3rd Edition", Laboratory of Subatomic Physics & Cosmology, IN2P3 (CNRS), Université Grenoble Alpes a Grenoble (France) June 26-30, 2023

SOC member of Special Session SS15 Cosmic filaments in the Universe” at EAS 2023, European Astronomical Society, Kracow, Poland July 10-14 2023.

Research missions

1987 1 month at Milo (TP), Italian Space Agency base, to participate to the ODISSEA stratospherical balloon campaign.

1989 3 months at Electro-Optics division of SELENIA in Pomezia (Rome, Italy) for optical analysis.

1989 1 month at Milo (TP), Italian Space Agency base, to participate to the ARGO stratospherical balloon campaign.

1991-2012 Several winter observational campaigns at MITO (1 week-1 month/each) for CMB observations.

1996 1 week at IAS, Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale in Orsay (Paris, France), for collaboration with F-X. Desert.

1997 1 month at National Scientific Balloon Facility - Palestine, Texas (USA) for participating to BOOMERANG first flight preparation.

2003 3 months at Mario Zucchelli Station in Antarctica as member of the XIX Antarctic Expedition: observations at OASI telescope.

2012 1 month as visiting professor at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.

2012 1 week invited at European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)-Madrid

2014-2015 10 weeks at Concordia Station in Antarctica as member of the XXX Italian Antarctic Expedition, Scientific Coordinator of CASPER (installation and observations) and Italian Scientific Coordinator of Concordia Expedition during the II period of the Summer Campaign.

2016 1 week in March and 1 week in October at 30m IRAM telescope (Pico Veleta, Spain) during NIKA2 commissioning time.

2018 1 week in February at 30m IRAM telescope (Pico Veleta, Spain) during NIKA2 pool.

2018 1 week in February at AstroParticle and Cosmologie Laboratory in Paris for optics tests on QUBIC combiner

2019 1 week in February at 30m IRAM telescope (Pico Veleta, Spain) during NIKA2 pool.

2019 1 week in November at 30m IRAM telescope (Pico Veleta, Spain) during NIKA2 pool.

2020 2 nigths in December at 30m IRAM telescope (Pico Veleta, Spain) during remote NIKA2 pool.

2021 2 nigths in February at 30m IRAM telescope (Pico Veleta, Spain) during remote NIKA2 pool.

2021 4 nigths in November at 30m IRAM telescope (Pico Veleta, Spain) during remote NIKA2 pool.

Participation to Scientific Projects

1986-1987 ODISSEA (PI F. Melchiorri UNIRM1): balloon-borne 62-cm in diameter Pressman-Camichel telescope for CMB anisotropies observations at millimeter wavelengths. Contribution to: Telescope Optics design and manufacturing. Participation to the launch campaign at Milo (TP), Italian Space Agency base, in July 1987.

1989-1992 ARGO experiment (PI P. de Bernardis UNIRM1): balloon-borne 1.2-m in diameter Cassegraintelescope for CMB anisotropies observations at millimeter wavelengths. Contribution to: Telescope Optical design, cold optics design and manufacturing, cold NIR spectrometer design and manufacturing, instrument assembling, calibration and data reduction. Participation to the launch campaign at Milo (TP) Italian SpaseAgency base in August 1989.

1986-1994 TIR project (PI F. Melchiorri UNIRM1): balloon-borne 2.6-m in diameter Cassegrain telescope for CMB anisotropies observations at millimeter wavelengths. Contribution to: Optical design of the telescope and of the cold optics inside the photometer.

1988-1989 TIRSO (PI Egidi UNIRM2): proposal for a satellite borne 25-cm telescope for imaging of the whole the solar disk in two IR wavelength ranges (NIR 1-3 um and FIR 50-300 um). Contribution to: Optical design of the telescope and of the optical matching to the IR spectrometers.

1989-1992 Working group to study possible effects of interplanetary parameters and geomagnetic activities on the atmospheric ozone density, mainly in polar regions. Collaboration with the Cosmic Rays Group in UNIRM1 and IFA/CNR in Rome. Contribution to: data analysis.

1991-1992 BOOMERANG (PI P. de Bernardis UNIRM1): balloon-borne 1.5-m in diameter off-axis telescope for CMB observations. Contribution to: cold optics design.

1991-present MITO (Millimetre & Infrared Testagrigia Observatory) (PI M. De Petris UNIRM1): ground based observatory on the top of Testa Grigia mountain (3500 m - Cervinia - AO - Italy), in collaboration with INAF/IFSI, for mm/submillimetre sky observations by a 2.6-m in diameter Cassegrain telescope. Telescope Status: in operation. Participation to tens of observational campaigns at MITO.

MITO Focal Plane Instrumentation, used and/or developed:

2002-2004 BAR-SPORT (PI S. Cortiglioni IASF/INAF Bologna): proposal for a 1.2m in diameter balloon borne telescope for observations of CMB polarization. Contribution to: optics design.

2003 OASI (PI G. Dall’Oglio UNIRM3): ground based 2.6-m in diameter Cassegrain telescope for CMB anisotropies observations at millimeter wavelengths located at Mario Zucchelli Station (ex Terra Nova Bay) in Antarctica. Contribution to: Observations in situ participating to the XIX Expedition in Antarctica.

2003 CASPER (PI M. De Petris UNIRM1): proposal for a spectrometer devoted to measure atmospheric emission in the mm/FIR band (150GHz - 1.2 THz) from Dome C (Italian-French Antarctic base). Status: 2013 New Proposal: Funded by PNRA.

2003-present OLIMPO (PI S. Masi UNIRM1): balloon-borne 2.6-m in diameter Cassegrain telescope for CMB anisotropies observations at millimeter wavelengths. Contribution to: Optical design of the telescope and of the cold optics inside the photometer. Status: First flight planned for June 2013.

2004-present CASPER2 (PI M. De Petris): version of CASPER specifically oriented for MITO observations support; limited operative spectral range (150GHz - 350GHz). Status: in operation at MITO.

2004-2007 R&D of Filter for millimeter and FIR bands. Coordinator of the working group for studying, developing and testing new kind of interference filters. Collaboration with R. Leoni (IFN/CNR Rome) and J-M Lamarre (Paris). Status: manufactured first prototypes.

2005-2007 Participation to the project Joint Radio and Millimetric Observations of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation funded by MIUR - Azioni Integrate Italia-Spagna 2005 coordinated by F.Melchiorri/P. de Bernardis and R.Rebolo Contribution to: observations at MITO and data analysis.

2005-2007 Scientific Coordinator of the National Research Programme (PRIN/COFIN 2004) "GEMINI-SZ: Misuradel segnale Sunyaev-Zeldovich da ammassi di galassie nei due emisferi" and Scientific Coordinator of the 5th Unit of Research of the programme succeeded to prof. F. Melchiorri. Contribution: MAD and CASPER2 development and data analysis.

2006-2008 WCAM (PI P. de Bernardis UNIRM1): photometer with 7 arrays of 7 detectors each working at 94GHz to be installed at MITO focal plane. Contribution to: cold optics design and science team. Collaborations with G. Dall’Oglio (Rome III), M. Gervasi (Milan) and F. Villa (Bologna). Status: concluded preliminary design.

2006-present RIC (PI P. de Bernardis UNIRM1): project of 5th Technological Group of INFN/Rome for R&D of Kinetic Inductance Detectors for measuring millimeter radiation. Contribution to: tests on detectors. Status: completed.

2006-present ARENA Site Testing Working Group member. Contribution to: characterize atmospheric transmission at Dome C (Italian-French Antarctic Station) in the mm and FIR bands.

2008-2012 SAGACE (PI P. de Bernardis UNIRM1): phase A proposal for a small mission satellite devoted to observe Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect, sub-mm spectroscopy of Galaxies and low-resolution survey of Active Galaxies. Contribution: Coordinator of Telescope Office Project and Science Team member. Status: concluded Phase A.

2010-present MUSIC (Marenostrum-MultiDark SImulations of galaxy Clusters PI G. Yepes UAM): Contribution: data analysis and observational strategy of synthetic clusters of galaxies extracted from large volume of simulated Universe.

2011-present MILLIMETRON (PI P. de Bernardis UNIRM1): ASI funded development of a spectrometer for Millimetron project. Contribution: optical design of the spectropolarimeter.

2011-present LSPE (PI P. de Bernardis UNIRM1): ASI funded balloon-borne experiment devoted to CMB B-mode observations with two subsystems: HFI and LFI. Contribution: optics SWIPE instrument.

2011-2013 DFT@APEX (PI P. de Bernardis UNIRM1): MIUR funded (PRIN 2011) study of a Differential FTS to be installed at APEX focal plane. Contribution: optical design of the DFTS. Satus: completed

2012-present QUBIC (PI JC Hamilton APC-Paris): Interferometer bolometric to observe B-mode. Contribution: Coordinator Optics Group

2013-2016 PRISM (PI J. Delabruille APC-Paris): Proposal for a ESA Large Mission. Contribution: optics design.

2015-present NIKA2 (New IRAM KIDs Arrays): Continuum camera with KID detectors installed at the 30m telescope of IRAM at Pico Veleta (Spain). Contribution: Core Team and LP SZ team member

2017-present KISS (PI A. Catalano-Grenoble): Spectrometer at mm-wavelengths at QUIJOTE focal plane (Tenerife). Contribution: HDPE aspherical lenses production and optics analysis support.

2017-present EUCLID: ESA medium class astronomy and astrophysics space mission. Contribution: member of EUCLID Consortium.

2018-present LiteBIRD (Lite satellite for the studies of B-mode polarization and Inflation from cosmic background Radiation Detection): JAXA's strategic large mission candidate in Phase-A1 (concept development).

2018-present COSMO (COSmological Monopole Observer): experiment devoted to spectrometric observations in the mm-band (100-280 GHz) of CMB spectral distortions from Concordia Station in Dome C, Antarctica. Contribution: spectrometer optics design, shielding design, atmosphere simulations and systematics analysis.

2018-present The Three Hundred Project (a large sample of simulated galaxy clusters and their environment modelled using a range of simulation packages and physics modules) - Contribution: data analysis and observational strategy of synthetic clusters of galaxies extracted from large volume of simulated Universe.

2019-present XMM-Newton Heritage "Witnessing the culmination of structure formation in the Universe": observations with XMM-Newton of 118 clusters of galaxies. Contribution to the WG-hydrosimulations and WG-Sunyaev-Zel'dovich.