Current teachings at Sapienza University of Rome

Course on Politica economica (corso di laurea in Scienze Aziendali)

Course on Labour economics and policy (corso di laurea magistrale in Economia Politica EPOS - English)

Course on Economia dell’istruzione  (Master di Economia Pubblica - II livello )

Course on Urban & Labour economics (PhD in Socio-Economics and Statistical Studies)

Other academic and professional activities

Director of the Inter-University Research Centre  CIRET (Centro interuniversitario di ricerca "Ezio Tarantelli").

Member of the Internal Committee of the European PhD in Socio-Economics and Statistical Studies (SESS) at Sapienza University.

Member of the Scientific and Didactic Board of the Master in Public Economics, Sapienza University of Rome and INPS, 2006 to date.

Member of the Scientific Board of Fondazione Tarantelli (CISL).

Member of the Scientific Board of Agenzia Umbria Ricerche (AUR) della Regione Umbria.

Scientific Supervisor of the Collaboration Programme between Sapienza and Ente regionale per il diritto allo studio e alla conoscenza (Disco Lazio).

Expert consultant for the research project "Regional perspective of labour market change during and after COVID-19" at Eurofound (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions), 2023.

Member of the Scientific Board of the journal "Sindacalismo" (Rubbettino).  

Member of the Commissione di Indagine sul lavoro established by the Presidents of Parliament and the President of CNEL, 2007-08.

Contributor to the newspaper "Il Messaggero".

Scientific coordination of research project on “Analisi dei fabbisogni formativi della regione Marche”, for Regione Marche (with Fondazione Brodolini), 2008.

Scientific coordination of phases of the research project on “Realizzazione di un catalogo delle buone pratiche del Fondo Sociale Europeo e dei Programmi e Iniziative Comunitarie realizzate in Italia”, for the Italian Labour Ministry (with Fondazione Brodolini), 2006-2007.

Member of the Experts Group charged to write the “Report to the Parliament on Continuous Training” (for the year 2005) on behalf of the Italian Labour Ministry.

Consultancy contract with ISFOL (2004).

Member of the Experts Group charged to write the economic assessments of the National Reform Programmes by the Italian Labour Ministry concerning the Employment Strategy - Fondazione Brodolini (2005 -2007)

Participations to national and international research programs on behalf of: Fondazione Brodolini, CERES (Centro Ricerche Economiche e Sociali) (1990-2006), CRISS (Centro ricerche sullo Stato Sociale-University of Siena) (2001-2004), CESOS (Centro Studi Sociali e Sindacali) (1998, 2003-04), Formstat (2000), ENAIP (1997), CNEL (Consiglio Nazionale dell’Economia e del Lavoro) (1996).

Other scientific consultancy activities with FC-Consulting Group (2004), Provincia Autonoma Bolzano (1998, 2003), Regione Toscana (2004), Comune di Terni (2001, 2006).

Member of: Regional Science Association (RSA); Italian Association of Labour Economists (AIEL); Centro interuniversitario di ricerca "Ezio Tarantelli" (CIRET).

Referee for Italian and international academic journals: Applied Economics, Education Economics, International Journal of Manpower, Regional Studies, Economic Modelling, Environment and Planning A, Review of Development Economics, International Review of Economics, The Journal of the Italian Economic Association, Economia & Lavoro, Sociologia del lavoro, Sinappsi, Meridiana, Quaderni di Economia del lavoro.



1995. Summer School on Game Theory, Interuniversity Centre for Game Theory and Applications (Dir. Prof. M. Dardi). 

1994. Dottorato in Economia Politica (PhD in Economics), University La Sapienza. 

1992 and 1993. Visitor to the Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick (UK) (Dir. Prof. R. Lindley).

1990. Degree 110 cum laude, Economia e Commercio, Sapienza University.