Giuseppe Cantisani

Civil Engineer, Doctor of Philosophy in “Road and Transportation Infrastructures”; Associate Professor of “Road Railways and Airports” in the Civil and Industrial Engineering Faculty of “Sapienza – University of Rome”. He teaches "Road Design and Construction" and “Advanced Road Design” in the Master Degree Course of Civil Engineering.

Author of about 50 scientific papers published in Journals, Monographs and Conference Proceedings, mainly in the international context, regarding the design and the management of transportation infrastructures. Tutor or co-tutor in many graduation thesis or doctoral researches, executive manager of the Doctorate Course of “Infrastructures and Transportation”. Teacher in Master Classes and Professional Training Courses. Expert component in qualifying examination committee for Professional Engineers.

Member of the Italian Transportation InfrastructuresSociety (S.I.I.V.). Expert of the Italian High Council of Public Works and component of committees for the design review of many infrastructures and public works. Member of the Special Committee of the Italian High Council of Public Works, to approve safety road barriers, road signals and other devices. Expert component and advisor of the National Permanent Committee for the Safety of Road Tunnels of Italian High Council of Public Works. Member of a Committee of Italian Ministry of Infrastructures and Transportation, to write the new Standards for the design of interventions on existing road.