
Francesca Cuomo

Full Professor, PhD

DIET, Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications

Sapienza University of Rome

Faculty of Information Engineering, Informatics and Statistics

Via Eudossiana n° 18, 00184 Rome

San Pietro in Vincoli

Tel.: 06-44585687 (int. 2-5687)

Fax: 06-44585632

E-mail: francesca.cuomo@uniroma1.it

FRANCESCA CUOMO received the Ph.D. in Information and Communications Engineering in 1998 from Sapienza University of Rome. From 2005 to October 2020 she was Associate Professor and from November 2020 she joined “Sapienza" as Full Professor teaching courses in Telecommunication Networks. Prof. Cuomo has advised numerous master students in computer in computer engineering, and has been the advisor of 11 PhD students in Networking.

From November 2021 she is the Chair of the Master's Degree in Data Science of Sapienza.

Her current research interests focus on: Vehicular networks and Sensor networks, Low Power Wide Area Networks and IoT, 5G Networks, Multimedia Networking, Energy saving in the Internet and in the wireless system.

She has participated in several National and European projects on wireless network systems such as the RAMON, VICOM, INSYEME, IST WHYLESS, IST EPERSPACE, IST CRUISE, H2020 symbIoTe, H2020 Elegant.

Francesca Cuomo has authored over 156 peer-reviewed papers published in prominent international journals and conferences.

List of publications available at: Google scholar profile

Orcid link.

She is IEEE Senior Member.

Relevant scientific international recognitions: 2 Best Paper Awards. She has been in the editorial board of Computer Networks (Elsevier) and now is member of the editorial board of the Ad-Hoc Networks (Elsevier), IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Sensors (MDPI), Frontiers in Communications and Networks Journal. She has been the TPC co-chair of several editions of the ACM PE-WASUN workshop, TPC Co-Chair of ICCCN 2016, TPC Symposium Chair of IEEE WiMob 2017, General Co-Chair of the First Workshop on Sustainable Networking through Machine Learning and Internet of Things (SMILING), in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2019; Workshop Co-Chair of AmI 2019: European Conference on Ambient Intelligence 2019.