
She mainly focuses on methodological statistics and data anlysis: she is currently working on text data models, systemic risk, financial technologies (fintech), big data analysis and ordinal variables.

She is member of the board of ‘Statistics and Data Science’ group of the Italian Statistics Association.

She is UCL Centre for Blockchain Technology associate, which is the nucleus for DLT and Blockchain research and engagement across eight different departments at UCL and for its Research and Industry Associate network.

She is Associated researcher of RiskLab (, RiskLab Finland is a research group at Arcada and a research laboratory of Infolytika Ventures, with the objective to study and develop the fields of risk analysis through machine learning and visual analytics.

She is advisor of Initial Coin Offering of Blufolio AG, Switzerland.

She collaborates with the Bank of Italy on a Big Data analysis project and she was member of ‘Big Data Group’ at Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt, Germany.

She has been appointed as Expert and Project Evaluator from the Fund for Scientific Research-FNRS (F.R.S.-FNRS), a funding agency located in Brussels in Belgium

She serves as referee for several international journals: The Journal of Royal Statistical Society (Series A), Scientometrics, Expert Systems with Applications, Neurocomputing, European Journal Of Operation Research, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, the Journal of Big data, Small Business Economics Journal, Journal of Classification, Statistical Methods and Applications, WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Information Processing and Management, Social Network

Analysis and Mining, Public Management Review, The Journal of Operational Risk, Communication and Statistics, British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science.

She is member of the board of the Italian journal ‘Statistica & Società’.