I am Professor of Economics, Chair in Macroeconomics at Lancaster University Management School, Department of Economics and Professor at the University of Pavia (currently on leave). Previously, I was Associate Professor (2014-September 2020) and Assistant Professor (2008-2014) at the University of Pavia. In 2006-2008, I was Post-Doc fellow at the Catholic University of Milan. My publications are in the field of macroeconomics, monetary economics and business cycle analysis and firm dynamics. I hold PhD. in Economics from the University of Rome Tor Vergata (since 2007). My visiting include: the University College London (UCL), the University of British Columbia (UBC), CREI (Pompeu Fabra) and EIEF (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance). I taught Advanced Macroeconomics at Christian Albert University (Kiel), at the Goethe University of Frankfuert, and at the University of Pompeu Fabra. I am member of the Euro Area Business Cycle Network and of the Royal Economic Society.

My research interests are in Macroeconomic Dynamics, Monetary Economics and Microfoundation of Macro Models, DSGE models with Endogenous Goods-Market Structures, Uncertainty Shocks, Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Bayesian Estimation of DSGE models, SVAR analysis.

Selected Publications

  • Monetary Policy Uncertainty and Firm Dynamics, with Stefano Fasani and Haaron Mumtaz, (2022), forthcoming Review of Economic Dynamics

  • A Money-Financed Fiscal Stimulus: Redistribution and Social Welfare Chiara, P., Rossi, (2022) In: Journal of Money Credit and Banking

  • Firm Ex-ante Heterogeneity, Entry, and the Labour Share, with Jakob Grazzini, forthcoming the Economic Journal

  • Asymmetries in Monetary Policy, with Benigno, P., Rossi, L. 30/11/2021 In: European Economic Review. 140

  • Lorenza Rossi. (2019). The Overshooting of Firms' Destruction, Banks and Productivity Shocks, European Economic Review, vol. 113, pp. 136-155.

  • Fasani Stefano and Lorenza Rossi. (2018). Are Uncertainty Shocks Aggregate Demand Shocks? Economics Letters, vol. 167, pp. 142-146.

  • La Croce Carla and Lorenza Rossi. (2018). Firms Endogenous Entry and Monopolistic Banking in a DSGE model, (2018), Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol. 22(1), pp. 153-171.

  • Ascari, G., A. Colciago and L. Rossi, (2017). Limited Asset Market Participation, Sticky Wages and Monetary Policy, Economic Inquiry, vol. 55(2), pp. 878-897.

  • Etro, F. and L. Rossi, (2015). New-Keynesian Phillips Curve with Bertrand Competition and Endogenous Entry,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 51: 318-340.

  • Faia, E. and L. Rossi, (2013). Unions Power, Collective Bargaining and Optimal Monetary Policy,” Economic Inquiry, 51(1): 408-427.

  • Ascari, G. and L. Rossi, (2012). Trend Inflation and Firms Price-Setting: Rotemberg vs. Calvo,” The Economic Journal, 122(563): 115-1141.

  • Mattesini, F. and L. Rossi, (2011). Monetary Policy and Automatic Stabilizers, the Role of Progressive Taxation, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 44(5): 825-862, 2011.