Breve Curriculum

Curriculum Vitae

Personal details:

Name: Luciano Beneduce

Nationality: Italian

Phone: +39 0881 589234; +39 0881 589 303


Present position: Associate Professor in Agriculture Microbiology at the Department of the Science of Agriculture, Food Natural resources and Engineering (DAFNE) of University of Foggia.

Education and training: Degree in Food Science and Technology cum laude at the University of Foggia; Ph.D. in Sustainable Agro-Ecosystems at the University of Foggia; Guest research staff at School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Main research topics:

Environmental Microbiology: waterborne pathogens, microbial community dynamics in agricultural soil ecosystems and bioreactors. Development of molecular markers for quantification of microorganisms in the environment by Quantitative-PCR.

Food Microbiology: foodborne pathogens, Lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in wine fermentations.

Main research projects:

EUROPEAN: Star* Agroenergy , Quafety, Biamfood, Up_Running, Correct It

NATIONAL: ECO P_4, InTerra, PRIN 2017 Micropolluttants


Miscellaneous: lecturer of environmental microbiology, environmental biotechnology, microbial technologies applied to soil and biomass, at the Department of Agriculture - University of Foggia. Author of 59 ISI/Scopus indexed publications and more than 100 including full papers, reviews, papers in books and mini papers in proceedings of congresses; H index 23 (2022) Editor of the scientific Journals Frontiers in Microbiology (Frontiers; 2021 - present) Agriculture - Agricultural Soils (MDPI; 2022-present).