
Preliminary program

The program for this half-day workshop (Sunday, July 26, morning) will include

    • an invited talk by Marie DesJardins

    • short contributed presentations

    1. Viviana Cotik, Rosana Matuk Herrera and Natalia Debandi

    2. A Reflection about the Proportion of Women in the Computer Sciences Degree at the Universidad de Buenos Aires

    3. Elizabeth Jensen

    4. Using Robots to Engage Middle School Students in Computer Science

    5. Masoumeh Mansouri

    6. Women Are Just Not Interested in Computer Science”: a Convenient Falsehood, a Convenient Truth

    7. Zohreh Shams

    8. Promotion of Women in Science

    9. Denise Szecsei and Marie Manner

    10. Girls and Robots in the Performing Arts

    11. Marie desJardins and Penny Rheingans

    12. Women in AI and CS: Pipelines, Pathways, and Patterns

    • a lunch where we will discuss current situation and plan how to improve it.

Preliminary program — Jun 16, 2015 5:05:28 AM

Submission page open — Mar 19, 2015 9:34:07 PM

Workshop announcement — Dec 19, 2014 3:43:30 PM