Prospective Researchers
Prospective Grad Student Researchers
I am a member of the graduate program in Medicinal Chemistry (administered through the College of Pharmacy) and Chemical Physics (administered through the Chemistry Department). I only take students that are admitted through those programs and do not accept students in my lab directly. All inquiries to those programs should be made to the Director of Graduate Studies: Barry Finzel in Medicinal Chemistry and Phil Buhlmann in Chemistry.
Prospective Undergrad Researchers
All undergrad researchers must complete at least one semester of "directed research" or "directed studies" in my lab before they can be added as lab personnel. I do not accept volunteers. You must be a student of the University of Minnesota to enroll in directed studies or research.
The majority of students register for CHEM4094.
All students will be trained accordingly on laboratory techniques. A plan will be established after I access each students skill set and interests. Typically the first half of the semester in directed studies is dedicated to learning basic lab skills. The second half of the semester is designed to provide some experience in conducting research. I expect students will spend 20 hours in the lab a week during directed studies.
We have projects involving chemical synthesis, chemical diversification, isolation/characterization of natural products, biological screening, and computational chemistry/biology.
Students will be assigned to our program targeting Toll-like receptors 7 and 8 in the design of immunotherapeutics or to our work on the isolation and characterization of cannabinoids.