
University of Minnesota

Fall 2016 - Spring 2017

Econ 8001: Microeconomic Analysis (Ph.D. Course) [mean student evaluation: 5.80/6]
Econ 8002: Microeconomic Analysis (Ph.D. Course) [mean student evaluation: 5.83/6]
Econ 8003: Microeconomic Analysis (Ph.D. Course) [mean student evaluation: 5.90/6]
Econ 8004: Microeconomic Analysis (Ph.D. Course) [mean student evaluation: 6.00/6]

  • Taught weekly recitations, graded course assignments and exams.

Econ 8001-8004 Teaching Evaluations


Machine Learning and Big Data Workshop (run by Prof. Fatih Guvenen)

Additional Materials and Notes

Higher School of Economics

Department of Economics

Macroeconomics (Fall 2011, 2012, Spring 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) [about 60 students every term]
Economic Thinking (Fall 2013, 2014) [about 60 students every term]
History of Economic Thought (Spring 2011)

  • Taught multiple weekly recitations, prepared and graded course assignments and exams, supervised course assistants.

  • Best Teacher Award 2013 and 2015

Media Coverage: Interview for "Gorod & Gorozhane" (in Russian), Interview for "The Vyshka" (in Russian), Interview for "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" (in Russian).

Inequality, Heterogeneity, and Big Data: New Horizons in Economics (public lecture, January 2021) [slides] [video] [10 sources to read]

Webinar on Ph.D. application process (November 2020) [video]

HSE-NES Joint Program in Economics

Macroeconomics-2 (Spring 2014, 2015) [about 60 students every term]

HSE and Egor Gaidar's Foundation Summer School in Economics

Macroeconomics (Summer 2014, 2015, 2016) [course for senior economics instructors from regional universities]

  • Taught daily recitations, prepared and graded course assignments and exams.


Macroeconomics (Spring-Summer 2014) [teaching assistant to Prof. Oleg Zamulin]

  • Prepared problem sets and exams, answered questions in the course forum.