
1. Create a plane cutting through the area of interest. Plan cuts are normally 4’-0” above the floor.

2. Select the plane and the objects you would like to cut through and use the “Intersect” command to create your

linework. Drag it out of your model and check to see if there are any lines that need to be connected into larger

polylines. If there are select them and run the “Join” command.

3. Another option is to use the “Clipping Plane” command. This is found under the View pulldown menu. It has the

virtue of preserving layers. Please note that although clipping planes will be visible in all viewports, they are only

active within the viewport they are originally placed in. To generate a plan or section cut locate the clipping plane

where you want it, select the objects to cut through and use the “Make 2D Drawing” command as described for

perspective drawings.

4. Select your finished linework and use the “Export Selected” command under the File pulldown menu. Two common

file types to export are dwg (AutoCad) and AI (Illustrator). Both may be opened in Adobe Illustrator for editing. If you

cannot open your exported file in Illustrator try exporting again as an earlier version of the file type. Normally there

is no reason to keep the linework after exporting so you may delete it.

-by Dan Clark