Axonometric View

1. Begin with a perspective viewport and open Viewport Properties (located at the bottom of the menu that appears

when you right-click over the name of the viewport).

2. Check the parallel projection option at the top of this menu and adjust the to the desired view. Create a view under

the “Named Views Panel” so you can return to it later if necessary. This can be found under the View pulldown menu

at VIew>Set View>Show Named View Panel.

3. You may adjust the view within Viewport Properties by manually entering values for the target (this specifies

the location to look at) and camera (this specifies the point to view from) if you wish. This is a little more time

consuming than setting your view with a mouse or trackpad but if you need to set the axon precisely (for example, a

45-45-45 axon) this is the best way to do it.

As an example try 0,0,0 for the target location (assuming your subject is sitting at the center of your workspace) and

something like -1200,-1200,1200 for the camera location if you need a 45-45-45 axon. Adjust the camera location

values to zoom in and out as required by your subject’s size. A little experimentation with these values will quickly

make evident their effect on your view.

-by Dan Clark