Rhino Introduction Tutorials

Rhino Introduction Tutorials:

from YouTube videos submitted by Rhino Tutorial

Rhino Tutorial 1 Interface

Rhino Tutorial 2 Layers

Rhino Tutorial 3 Basic Commands

Rhino Tutorial 4 Editing Curves

Rhino Tutorial 5 Edit Poly Surfaces

Rhino Tutorial 6 Importing PDF & Bitmap

Rhino Tutorial 7 Booleans

Rhino Tutorial 8 Smash & Unroll

Rhino Tutorial 9 Loft

Rhino Tutorial 10 Blocks

Practice Exercises:

from YouTube videos submitted by Cadjunkie

. Intro to Rhino 001

- opening a new document

- maximizing/restoring a viewport

- navigating in 3D space (rotate, pan, zoom)

- basic rectangle

- zoom extents, zoom selected

- select/delete

- basic box tool

- shaded/wireframe viewports

- basic sphere tool

- drag move

- drag with 'elevator mode'

. Intro to Rhino 002

- polygon tool

- curve boolean basics

- enter/space/right-click equivalency

- left-right vs right-left box select

. Intro to Rhino 003

- polygon tool

- curve boolean basics

- enter/space/right-click equivalency

- left-right vs right-left box selection

. Intro to Rhino 004

- homework: skyline

- use good composition!

- use booleans to create interesting buildings

- solid fillet basics

- viewport context menu intro

- viewport focal length intro

. Intro to Rhino 005

- [grid] snap

- using exact dimensions in rectangles, circles, and polylines

. Intro to Rhino 006

- basic move tool

- basic rotate tool

- basic scale 3D, 2D, and 1D

. Intro to Rhino 007

- basic 'OSnap' - int, mid, end, near, and cen

- using OSnap with move, rotate, and drawing tools

. Intro to Rhino 008

- example: draw a 16:9 24" rectangle

- intro [tab] key

- basic trim tool

- basic explode/join

- solid extrude curve

- surface extrude curve

. Intro to Rhino 009

- drawing a USB logo to dimensional spec

. Intro to Rhino 010

- Numerical entry for 3D shapes

- Intro to Solids-As-Surfaces

- Intro to back-faces, and back face colors

- C-Plane standard views

- Set C-Plan to object

- Boolean subtract as solid trim

. Intro to Rhino 011

- Seems and Naked Edges

- ShowEdges command

- Intro surface trim / untrim

- Intro NURBS UV

- Intro 'manifold surface' building

. Intro to Rhino 012

- Using C-Planes practically

- Basic precision in 3D

- Intro WireCut tool

- 2D rotate vs. 3D rotate

- Intro to ArrayPolar

- Intro to Array

. Intro to Rhino 013

- Intro 'Record History' with ArrayPolar

. Intro to Rhino 014

- Demonstrate surface modeling

- Precision C-Plane placement

. Intro to Rhino 015

- Beginning a cell phone model

- Intro Blended Fillets

. Intro to Rhino 016

- Reviewing basic surface editing tools: - trim - fillet - blend - offset - project

. Intro to Rhino 017

- defining NURBS

- drawing CV curves

- degree 2, 3, 5, and 7

- curvature graphs

. Intro to Rhino 018

- NURBS in 3D

- U and V directions

- surface rebuild

. Intro to Rhino 019

- basic surfacing tools: - loft - sweep one rail - sweep two rails - revolve

. Intro to Rhino 020

- SetPt

. Intro to Rhino 021

- basic coffee carafe

- intro 'primary' vs. 'secondary' surfaces

. Intro to Rhino 022

- intro revolve

- intro patch

. Intro to Rhino 023

- twisting a trimmed surface

- rebuilding after using 'twist' and 'bend' functions

Assembled by Angela Bateson