Revit-DIVA workflow + canopy


Revit-DIVA recources:

Step 1: Exporting a model from Revit

1. Use 'Visibility and Graphics' to hide/reveal essential geometry and model groups for export to Rhino

2. Export file as 2007 .dxf

Step 2: Get Revit import ready for DIVA

1. Type 'import' into the command line and select the .dxf file.

2. DIVA cannot process block instances that are imported from Revit, so the first thing to do is type 'SelBlockInstances' into the command line. This selects all of you block. Next, the the blocks still selected type 'explode.'

3. Hopefully by using Visibility and Graphics in Revit you only have geometry you need to run accurate DIVA simulations (walls, roofs, floors, ceilings, windows, doors, and furniture if you find necessary). If not, you can manually go through your layers and delete them (ie A-Mech)

4. Go to the select options and select all curves and delete them. Any usable Revit geometry should be a mesh.

Step 3: Run the DIVA Rhinoscript to convert all windows to single NURBS surfaces.

1. The script along with a video going over this step can be found here. This outlines the procedure a little quicker.

2. Turn of all layers except for A-GLAZ and A-GLAZ GLAS.

3. All of your geometry should be exploded, but if not refer back to Step 2.2.

4. Delete any extraneous geometry such as window ledges that are still in the A-GLAZ layer.

5. Make sure that the only visible geometry now is the window modeled as solid mesh from the Revit import. Since Revit draws this geometry with 6 faces, and DIVA will only work with glass that is a single surface, you will need the script downloaded from the link above.

6. Type 'LoadScript' into the command line, then click add. Find the script downloaded from the link and select it. Highlight the script path in the LoadScript window and click load. Depending on how many windows you have in your model this may take a moment.

7. Once the script is finished, notice that the windows are now single NURBS surfaces.

Step 4: Build a conceptual element in Grasshopper to test for performance.

Step 5: Define parameters to test geometry

Step 6: Assign materials to the model

Step 7: Setting up simulations to animate parameters