Downloads & Instructions

The demo (artifact) for Chaos Cards is available at [Here]. The demo should have the compilation pipeline mostly setup. We separately made the executable folders (not where the compilation would put the executables) at "demo/Windows/Executables" and "demo/Unix/Executables" (along with some data file the program may need to read) for convenience of running. If you are able to directly run one of those executable, and do not wish to recompile or read the source files, you can ignore the rest of the page and directly skip to the guides for I/O controls [Here].

Disclaimer: This demo repo is part of the demo code for both the AIIDE 20 poster and my thesis, and these two cooresponds to different versions (the thesis comes later, having more features like balance evaluation, and also having many bugs like memory leaks fixed), so do not expect things like being able to reproduce exact cards on the poster on the latest version (it is machine/environment dependent anyway), but the principle should still hold. Also it is not full code, neither for the poster nor for the thesis, primarily having the neural network parts ripped off, as we want to have a relatively simple and easy-to-setup demos. 

Files / Compilation Basics

Compilation Guides for Windows (Visual Studio)

Compilation for Unix (g++)