
What is greenwashing?

"Greenwashing is any communication that leads the listener to adopt an overly favorable impression of a company’s greenness." - Dr. Thomas Lyon: Corporate sustainability and initiatives

Research to Stop Corporate Greenwashing

Note. The dotted line marks the status of the literature and publications at the time of our last review (Lyon & Montgomery, 2015). While Web of Science constitutes the most complete database of scientific journal articles, it does not offer full-text search. Therefore, the search includes only the articles in which greenwashing plays an important role and appears in the title, abstract, or keywords; those results are in the upper left panel. We also searched ABI/Inform & EBSCO for academic articles, since these two searches allow more readily for the inclusion of greenwashing anywhere in the text, although greenwashing may only play a minor role in the article; those results are in the upper right panel. We searched ABI/Inform and EBSCO for trade journal articles using the same approach; those results are in the lower left panel. Duplicates have been removed for combined searches. Finally, we searched Factiva for all news articles using the same approach; those results are in the lower right panel.