Talk Schedule + Reading Note PDFs

As I work through seminal texts on Toric Geometry, Birational Geometry, Positive Characteristic Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, not to mention other topics that I'm "long overdue(!)" to know, I hope to teX things up as I go and situate links to the PDF versions below.

An instance of geometric modelling with algebraic geometry: A "YIN-YANG" symbol in the Plane with a cubic rotisserie skewer.

Talk Schedule (In Process...)

Starting Fall 2021, I will do another round of visiting other math departments to give "Research/De Facto Job Talks." If you're curious about my work and would like to invite me to give a talk in your seminar(s), please contact me!

Fall 2021

Winter 2022

Some Possible Places I haven't given talks at yet, but would like to I reckon:

University of Illinois-Chicago

University of Virginia

University of Arkansas

Seattle, WA