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The LCTP is hosting PIMKIO 7 on Saturday March 30, 2019.

PIMKIO = Particle physics in (Michigan), Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, and Ohio.

This meeting will bring together the local community of midwest phenomenologists to share their work and discuss recent advances in high energy particle physics, particle astrophysics, dark matter, and cosmology. If you would like to attend the meeting, please sign up here .

PIMKIO 7 March 30, 2019, University of Michigan in Ann Arbor

Program Outline:

Saturday March 30: West Hall 335

09:00 - 10:00: Coffee & Bagels

10:00 - 10:20: Kirtimaan Mohan (Michigan State) Exploring unitarity in compactified Extra Dimension models with graviton scattering

10:20 - 10:40: Andreas Trauter (MPIK / OSU) Cold cosmic neutrinos and the expansion history of the Universe

10:40 - 11:00: Junichiro Kawamura (OSU) A Complete vector-like 4th family model for muon anomalies

11:00 - 11:30: Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:10: Josh Ruderman (NYU) 21cm from Dark Radiation

12:10 - 12:30: Sam McDermott (Fermilab) 21cm from Dark Matter

12:30 - 01:45: Lunch .... catered from Jerusalem Garden ... with panel discussion about charm & B-anomalies

01:45 - 02:00: Zonghao Li (Indiana U) Lorentz-violating extensions of QED and QCD

02:00 - 02:15: Bei Zhou (OSU) New signatures at IceCube from high-energy neutrinos

02:15 - 02:30: Saurabh Bansal (Notre Dame) Constraining New Physics using Drell-Yan processes at LHC

02:30 - 02:45: Ayesh Gunawardanal (Wayne State) On HQET and NRQCD operators of mass dimension 8 and above

02:45 - 03:00: Zhewei Yin (Northwestern) Chiral Perturbation Theory from the Infrared

03:00 - 03:45: Coffee & Cookies

03:45 - 04:00: Navin McGinnis (Indiana U) SM parameters as IR fixed points in the MSSM with a vector-like family

04:00 - 04:15: Zach Weiner (UIUC) Gravitational waves from gauge preheating

04:15 - 04:35: Da Liu (Argonne) A new solution to strong CP problem and the neutrino mass

04:35 - 04:55: Oleksandr Tomalak (U Kentucky) Two-photon exchange in lepton-proton scattering and spectroscopy

Guide for things-to-do in A2 (made by students for COSMO-16)

Available Parking:

Forest Parking Structure

Church Parking Structure (Open for Saturdays)

Workshop Organizers:

Andrew Long


Aaron Pierce (LCTP)

Workshop Administrative Assistants

Karen O'Donovan

Liam Blanchard

University of Michigan

450 Church Street

Ann Arbor MI 48109-1040

(P) 734-763-9698

Workshop Venue:

Randall Laboratory/West Hall