


Jones, M.L.H., Buckley, L., Ebert, S.M., and Reed, M.P.  (2018).  Evaluating an Intervention to Improve Belt Fit for Adult Occupants. Journal of Safety Research, 64:93-104. 

Buckley, L., Jones, M.L.H., Ebert, S.M., and Reed, M.P.  (2018).  Evaluating an Intervention to Improve Belt Fit for Adult Occupants: Promoting Positive Beliefs.  Journal of Safety Research, 64:105-111.  

Jones, M.L.H., Sienko, K., Ebert-Hamilton, S., Kinnaird, C. et al. (2018).  Development of a Vehicle-Based Experimental Platform for Quantifying Passenger Motion Sickness during Test Track Operations. SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-0028. doi:10.4271/2018- 01-0028. 

Park, B.-K.D., Jones, M.L.H., Miller, C., Hallman, J. et al. (2018) In-Vehicle Occupant Head Tracking Using a Low-Cost Depth Camera. SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-1172. doi:10.4271/2018-01-1172. 


Bossi, L.L.M., Morton, A., Sy, A., Keefe, A.A., Karakolis, T., and Jones, M.L.H. (2017). Understanding the trade-offs between protection, performance and integrated survivability. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Soldier’s Physical Performance, Melbourne, AUS.  Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 20: S139. 

 Haney, J. M., Owczarczak, M.E., D’Souza, C., Jones, M.L.H., and Reed, M.P. (2017). A Pilot Study of the Effects of Pulley Location and Design Parameters on Hand Movements during Pulley Threading OperationsProceedings of the 2017 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. Austin, TX.

 Jones, M.L.H., Ebert, S., Hu, J. and Reed, M.P. (2017). Effects of High Levels of Obesity on Lap and Shoulder Belt Paths. Proceedings of the 2017 International Research Council on Injury Biomechanics (IRCOBI) Conference, Antwerp, BE.  

 Hu, J., Zhang, K., Fanta, A., Jones, M.L.H., Reed, M.P., Neal, M., Wang, J.T., Lin, C-H. and Cao, L. (2017). Stature and Body Shape Effects on Driver Injury Risks in Frontal Crashes: A Parametric Human Modeling Study.  Proceedings of the 2017 International Research Council on Injury Biomechanics (IRCOBI) Conference, Antwerp, BE.

Jones, M.L.H., Miller, C.S., Ebert, S.M., Park, B-K, Reed, M.P., Hallman, J.J. and Sherony, R. (2017). Tracking Occupant Head Movements During Braking Event. Proceedings of the 2017 International Digital Human Modeling (DHM) Conference, Bonn, DK. 

Jones, M.L.H., Ebert, S., and Reed, M.P. (June 2017). Proximity to the Steering Wheel for Obese Drivers. 25th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles. Detroit, MI. 

Jones, M.L.H., Park, J., Ebert-Hamilton, S., Kim, K. H., and Reed, M. P. (2017). Effects of Seat and Sitter Dimensions on Pressure Distribution in Automotive Seats. SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-1390.  doi:10.4271/2017-01-1390. SAE International, Warrendale, PA.  * SAE Excellence in Oral Presentation Award


Jones, M.L.H., Ebert, S., Horn, R., and Reed, M.P. (2016). Development of Three-Dimensional Anthropometry Methods for Patients with High Body Mass. Proceedings of the 2016 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

 Bossi, L.M., Jones, M.L.H., Kelly, A., and Tack, D.W. (2016). A Preliminary Investigation of the Effect of Protective Clothing Weight, Bulk and Stiffness on Combat Mobility Course Performance. Proceedings of the 2016 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Haney, J. M., Owczarczak, M.E., D’Souza, C., Jones, M.L.H., and Reed, M.P. (2016). Effects of Task Variables on Hand Movement Kinematics during Sequential Precision Reach Tasks. Proceedings of the 2016 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Jones, M.L.H., Ebert, S.M., Hu, J., Park, B-K.D., and Reed, M.P. (2016). Quantifying body shape differences between supine and standing postures for adults with high body mass index. Proceedings of the 4th International Digital Human Modeling Conference. Montreal, Canada.  * Best Presentation Award

 Keefe, A., Bossi, L., Shu, C., Xi, P., and Jones, M.L.H. (2016). A Framework for Anthropometric and Digital Human Modeling Tools for the Canadian Armed Forces.  Proceedings of the 4th International Digital Human Modeling Conference. Montreal, Canada. 

Jones, M.L.H., Ebert, S.M., and Reed M.P.. (2016). A Pilot Study of Occupant Accommodation and seat belt fit for law enforcement officers. SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-1504. SAE International, Warrendale, PA.

Park, J., Ebert, S.M., Kim, K.H., Jones, M.L.H., Park, B-K, and Reed, M.P. (2016). Development of an automatic seat-dimension extraction system. SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-1429. SAE International, Warrendale, PA.


Jones, M.L.H., Reed, M.P., and Chaffin, D.B. (2015). Identifying and classifying force-generation strategies for one-hand isometric force exertion tasks with bracing availability. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomic Science.  Published Online. 10.1080/1463922X.2014.995782

Jones, M.L.H., Kim, K.H., Ebert, S., and Reed, M.P. (2015). Development of methods to assess self-reach capability. Proceedings of the 2015 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. 

Kim, K.H., Jones, M.L.H., Ebert, S., and Reed, M.P. (2015). Perceived difficulty for seated reach motions: methodologies developed for military armor. Proceedings of the 2015 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.

Jones, M.L.H., Klinich, K.D., Ebert, S.M., Malik, L., Manary, M.A., and Reed, M.P.  (2015).  A Pilot Study of Toddler Anthropometry and Posture in Child Restraint Systems.  Short Communications from AAAM's 59th Annual Scientific Conference, Traffic Injury Prevention, 16:sup2, S240-S243, DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2015.1073071 

Jones, M.L.H., Kim, K.H., Keefe, A.A., Farrell, P.S.E., Bossi, L.M.  (2015).  A Pilot Study of Three-Dimensional Equipped Anthropometry.  Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Melbourne, Australia. 

Kim, K.H., Jones, M.L.H., Ebert, S.M., and Reed, M.P. (2015). Effects of protective equipment and body borne gear on seated maximum reach envelopes. Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Melbourne, Australia. 

Reed, M.P., Park, B-K., Kim, K.H., and Jones, M.L.H.  (2015). Statistical prediction of body landmark locations on surface scans. Proceedings of the 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Melbourne, Australia.


Shu, C., Xi, P., Keefe, A., and Jones, M.L.H.  (2014).  Data Processing and Analysis for the 2012 Canadian Forces 3D Anthropometric Survey.  5th International Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland.

Jones, M.L.H., Lamb, M., Shih, J.M.V., Sy, L.A., and Keefe, A.A. (2014).  Extraction of Encumbered Anthropometric Measures from Whole-Body Scan Data.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Conference. Chicago, IL.

Jones, M.L.H.,  Jenkins, G., Sy, L.A., DuCharme, M.B, and Bossi, L.M. (2014). Relative contribution of bulk, stiffness, & load weight of PPE on soldier performance.  3rd International Congress on Soldier’s Physical Performance, Boston, MA. 

 DuCharme, M.B., Jones, M.L.H., Terhaar, P., Pavlovic, N., Kelly, A., Wojtarowic, D., and Bossi, L.M.  (2014).  Intra-and Inter-Individual Reproducibility of the CAN-LEAP Obstacle Course.  3rd International Congress on Soldier’s Physical Performance, Boston, MA.

 Bossi, L.M., Kelly, A., Wojtarowicz, D., Jones, M.L.H., and DuCharme, M.B.  (2014). Load Effects Assessment Program (LEAP): Sensitivity of LEAP to Operationally-Relevant Clothing and Equipment Conditions.  3rd International Congress on Soldier’s Physical Performance, Boston, MA.


Jones, M.L.H., Reed, M.P., and Chaffin, D.B. (2013). The effect of bracing availability on one-hand isometric force exertion capability. Ergonomics, 56(4): 667-681. (Short-listed for IEHF Liberty Mutual Award).

Jones, M.L.H., Farrell, P.S.E., and Keefe, A. (2013).  Encumbered Anthropometry Protocol Development.  Proceedings of the 2nd International Digital Human Modeling Symposium.  Ann Arbor, MI. 


Jones, M.L.H., Chaffin, D.B. and Reed, M.P.  (2010).  The Effect of Bracing Availability on Force-Exertion Capability in One-Hand Isometric Pulling Tasks.   Proceedings of the 2010 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. HFES, Santa Monica, CA. 


Jones, M.L.H., Chiang, J., Stephens, A. and Potvin, J.R.  (2008).  The Use of Physical Props in Automotive Assembly Motion Capture Studies.  Technical Paper 2008-01-0049.  SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems.  1 (1): 1163-1171.

Jones, M.L.H., Kirschweng, R.  Armstrong, T.J. and Reed, M.P.  (2008).  Force-Exertion Postures with External Bracing in Industrial Tasks: Data from an Automotive Assembly Plant.  Proceedings of the 2008 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting. HFES, Santa Monica, CA. 

 Potvin, J.R., Chiang, J., Jones, M.L.H., McInnes, B. and Stephens, A.  (2008). Proactive Ergonomic Analyses with Digital Human Modeling:  A Validation Study of Percent Capable Values.  Proceedings of the 2008 North American Congress of Biomechanics.  Ann Arbor, MI. 

Stephens, A. and Jones, M.L.H.  (2008).  Workplace Methods and Use of Digital Human Models.  In V.G. Duffy (Ed.), The Handbook of Digital Human Modeling for Applied Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering.   pp. 6-1 - 6-11.  New York:  CRC Press, 2008.