Amber Cathey

Amber Cathey, MPH, PhD

Assistant Research Scientist


1415 Washington Heights

Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Research Interests: 

Environmental epidemiology, exposures to chemicals in consumer products, and effects of EDCs on the female life cycle.


University of Michigan School of Public Health - Ann Arbor, Michigan

PhD, Environmental Health Sciences (2021)

University of Michigan School of Public Health - Ann Arbor, Michigan

MPH, Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology (2017)

University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, Michigan

BS, Cellular and Molecular Biology (2015) 

BS, Evolutionary Anthropology (2015)

Research Experience:

University of Michigan School of Public Health

Graduate Research Assistant, Meeker Lab (2016-2017)

University of Michigan Orthopedic Research Lab – Ann Arbor

Undergraduate Research Assistant, Alford Lab and Jepsen Lab (2011-2015)


Rackham Merit Fellowship (2017-2022)

University of Michigan

ETEP Training Grant (Fall 2018-Winter 2020)

University of Michigan 

Predoctoral Training Grant (2016-2017)

University of Michigan Center for Occupational Health and Safety Engineering