
Kevin R. Moon      

Director, Data Science and AI Center

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Utah State University

Email: kevin.moon "at" usu.edu

Data Science and AI Center

Department Webpage

Curriculum Vitae

I am interested in advising students in theoretical or application-focused projects at the advanced undergraduate, masters, and PhD levels.

For consulting services, go here.                                    

About Me

I am the Director of the Data Science and AI Center at Utah State University and an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics focusing on data science and machine learning. Prior to coming to Utah State, I was a postdoctoral associate at Yale University under Dr. Smita Krishnaswamy in the Genetics and Computer Science departments and Dr. Ronald Coifman in the Mathematics and Computer Science departments. I completed my PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) under Dr. Alfred Hero at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in 2016. I completed an MS (2016) in Mathematics at Michigan and an MS (2012) and BS (2011) in electrical engineering from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. During my undergraduate studies, I spent two years giving service in Puebla, Mexico and studied abroad in China for six weeks.


This video gives an overview of some of the projects in my research program.

My general research interests are in the development of theory and applications in machine learning, deep learning, information theory, manifold learning, big data, statistical signal processing, statistical learning theory, estimation, graphical models, and random matrix theory. I am strongly interested in biological and medical applications.

My main projects currently focus on data visualization, data denoising, and nonparametric estimation of information theoretic measures such as entropy, mutual information, and  information divergence. Specific applications I am involved in include sunspot and active region images, biological data, financial data, ecological data, and navigation data. My work has been published in prestigious journals including Nature, Cell, and Nature Biotechnology, as well as competitive machine learning conferences such as NeurIPS. See my research page for more details.

See my github page for publicly available code: https://github.com/KevinMoonLab 

Selected Publications

A full list is found here or Google Scholar.

Awards and Honors