Publications and Presentations

(* indicates refereed publication or invited presentation)

Corey, J. (2013). Invited Workshop Panelist on “Towards a Systematic Ear-Training Curriculum: Effective and Efficient Learning in Audio Education.” 50th International Conference of the Audio Engineering Society, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.*

Corey, J. (2013). “Technical ear training: Tools and practical methods.” Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics 2013. Montreal, Canada.*

Corey, J. (2012). “Teaching Critical Thinking in an Audio Production Curriculum.” 133rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, San Francisco, California.*

Corey, J. (2011). Invited Workshop Panelist on “Listen Professionally or Train Your Ears” with a presentation entitled: “Critical Listening and Technical Ear Training.” 131st Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York, New York.*

Utami, S., Navvab, M. & Corey, J. (2011). “Synchronizing Auditory and Visual Sensation in Computer-Simulated Environments.” 41st Conference of the Audio Engineering Society, London, United Kingdom.*

Corey, J. (2010). Audio Production and Critical Listening: Technical Ear Training. Includes practice modules in software. Burlington, Massachusetts: Elsevier/Focal Press.

Corey, J. (2010). “Technical Ear Training as an Essential Component of Audio Production Curricula.” Presented at the Art of Record Production Conference, Leeds, United Kingdom.

Corey, J. & Younker, B.A. (2009). “Modeling Aural Skills on Practice: Listening Through the Ears of a Sound Engineer.” Presented at the College Music Society National Conference, Portland, OR. *

Corey, J. (2009). Workshop Panelist on “Microphones – What to Listen For and What Specs to Look For.” 127th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society. New York, New York.*

Corey, J. (2008). An Overview of Technical Ear Trainer. Presented at SEAMUS: CROSSTALK. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Corey, J. (2008). Chairman of the Audio Education Forum - Education and the Evolution of the Professional Audio Industry. 125th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society. San Francisco, California *

Corey, J. (2008). Education News. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 56 (7/8), 646-647.

Corey, J. (2008). Chairman of the Audio Education Forum - Guiding and Evaluating Student Learning in Audio Engineering. 124th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society. Amsterdam, Netherlands. *

Corey, J. (2007). Education News. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 55 (12), 1168-1169.

Corey, J. (2007). Beyond Splicing: Technical Ear Training Methods Derived from Digital Audio Editing Techniques. Presented at the 123rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York, New York. Preprint 7212*

Corey, J. (2007). Education News. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 55 (7/8), 702-703.

Corey, J. (2007). Listening. Audio Engineering Society Student Website. March Edition. Published online at: 2007.

Corey, J. (2007). Chairman of the Audio Education Forum - Balancing Theory and Practice in Audio Education. 122nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society. Vienna, Austria.*

Corey, J. (2006). Education News. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 54 (12), 1314-1316.

Corey, J. (2006). Education News. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 54 (9), 868.

Corey, J. (2006). Invited Keynote Speech presented at the Audio Engineering Society International Conference on Audio Education, Piteå, Sweden.*

Corey, J. (2006). Timbral Ear Training. Invited presentation at the Audio Engineering Society International Conference on Audio Education, Piteå, Sweden.*

Corey, J. (2006). The Role of the Audio Engineering Society in Audio Education. Invited presentation at the Audio Engineering Society International Conference on Audio Education, Piteå, Sweden.*

Corey, J. (2006). Chairman of the Audio Education Forum - Designing an Audio Curriculum for the 21st Century. 121st Convention of the Audio Engineering Society. San Francisco, California.*

Corey, J. (2006). Chairman of the Audio Education Forum. 120th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society. Paris, France.*

Corey, J. (2006). Teaching Audio Skills Effectively. Workshop presented at the 120th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society. Paris, France.*

Corey, J. (2005). Chairman of the Audio Education Forum - Audio Curriculum and Quality of Audio. 119th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society. New York, New York.*

Corey, J. (2005). Chairman of the Audio Education Forum. 118th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society. Barcelona, Spain.*

Corey, J. (2004). An Ear Training System for Identifying Parameters of Artificial Reverberation in Multichannel Audio. Presented at the 117th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, preprint 6262. San Francisco, California.*

Corey, J. (2004). New Surroundings: Recording Music in 5.1 Multichannel Audio. Presented at the International Association for the Study of Popular Music, Ottawa, Canada.*

Corey, J. and Martin, G. (2004, March). “A Five-Channel Technique,” in Multichannel Matters: Surround Recording Techniques – Three Views. Audio Media – European Edition.

Corey, J. and Martin, G. (2004, March). Surround Sound Mic’ing Techniques. Broadcast Engineering.

Corey, J. and Martin, G. (2003). Description of a 5-channel microphone technique. Presented as part of the DPA Microphones Workshop on Mic Techniques for Multichannel Audio at the Audio Engineering Society 24th International Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada.*

Corey, J. (2002). An Integrated System for Dynamic Control of Auditory Perspective in a Multichannel Sound Field. PhD Dissertation, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Corey, J. and Woszczyk, W. (2002). “Localization of lateral phantom images in a 5-channel system with and without simulated early reflections.” Presented at the 113th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Preprint 5673. Los Angeles, California.*

Corey, J., Woszczyk, W., Martin, G. and Quesnel, R. (2001). An integrated multidimensional controller of auditory perspective in a multichannel sound field. Presented at the 111th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Preprint 5417. New York, New York.*

Corey, J., Woszczyk, W., Quesnel, R., and Martin, G. (2001). Enhancements of room simulation with dynamic cues related to source position. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Audio Engineering Society. Schloss Elmau, Germany.*

Corey, J. and Goyette, J. (2001). Counter-tenor with baroque ensemble in 5-channel surround. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Audio Engineering Society. Schloss Elmau, Germany.*

Martin, G., Corey, J., Woszczyk, W., Quesnel, R. (2001). A computer system for investigating and building synthetic auditory spaces -Part II. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Audio Engineering Society, Schloss Elmau, Germany.*

Martin, G., Depalle, P., Woszczyk, W., Corey, J., and Quesnel, R. (2001). A hybrid model for simulating diffuse first reflections in two-dimensional synthetic acoustic environments. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Audio Engineering Society. Schloss Elmau, Germany.*

Woszczyk, W., Corey, J. and Martin, G. (2001). Milestone 1 Report: Appendix 1 – Music and Audio. CANARIE/ ANAST project, McGill -Calgary Advanced Learnware Network, Internal Report.

Xu, A., Woszczyk, W., Settel, Z., Pennycook, B., Rowe, R., Galanter, P., Bary, J., Martin, G., Corey, J., and Cooperstock, J. R. (2000). Real-time streaming of multichannel audio data over internet. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 48, 627-641.*

Quesnel, R., Woszczyk, W., Corey, J., and Martin, G. (1999). A computer system for investigating and building synthetic auditory spaces -Part 1. Presented at the 107th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Preprint 4992. New York, New York.*

Martin, G., Woszczyk, W., Corey, J. and Quesnel, R. (1999). Sound source localization in a five-channel surround sound reproduction system. Presented at the 107th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Preprint 4994. New York, New York. *

Martin, G., Woszczyk, W., Corey, J., and Quesnel, R. (1999). Controlling phantom image focus in a multichannel reproduction system. Presented at the 107th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Preprint 4996. New York, New York.*