
News from current and former group members.

July, 2024: Matthew Mitchell successfully defends his PhD thesis on solitons in the context of the Intermediate Long Wave and Benjamin-Ono equations (primarily advised by Prof Peter Miller in math) . Congrats, Dr. Mitchell!

April, 2024: former PhD student Callum Jones accepts faculty job at the University of Arizona. Congrats, Callum!

January 2024: former PhD student Shruti Paranjape accepts postdoc at Brown University and former PhD student Callum Jones accepts postdoc at Amsterdam. Congrats, Shruti and Callum!

September, 2023: Nick Geiser (PhD UCLA 2023) joins us as an LCTP and Van Loo postdoc. Welcome to Michigan, Nick!

March 23, 2023: Aidan Herderschee succesfully defended his PhD thesis. Hurray for Dr. Herderschee!

Dec 16, 2022: Aidan Herderschee accepts postdoc at the IAS, Princeton. Congratulations, Aidan!

Dec 15, 2022: Justin Berman passes his prelim exam. Congratulations, Justin!!

April 2022: Matt Mitchell wins the 2022 Wiedenbeck Teaching Award. Congrats, Matt!

April 2022: Former student Shruti Paranjape wins UC David Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellowship. Congrats, Shruti!

April 25, 2022: Alan (Shih-Kuan) Chen passes his prelim exam. Congratulations, Alan!

March 14, 2022: Aidan Herderschee wins Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship. Congratulations, Aidan, it is well-deserved!

March 25, 2021: Shruti Paranjape successfully defends her PhD thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Paranjape!

January 2021: Shruti Paranjape accepts postdoc at UC Davis. Congratulations, Shruti!

May 2020: Aidan Herderschee wins the Franken Award for outstanding research by and first- or second-year graduate student. Congratulations, Aidan!

March 24, 2020: Callum Jones successfully defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Jones!

March 2020: Shruti Paranjape wins a Barbour Scholarship from Rackham. Congratulations, Shruti!

January 2020: Callum Jones accepts postdoc at UCLA. Congratulations, Callum!

July 25, 2019: Marios Hadjiantonis defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Hadjiantonis!

April 17, 2019: Shruti Paranjape wins the Wiedenbeck Teaching Award  _AND_  Callum Jones wins the Cornwell Prize. Congratulations, Shruti & Callum!

March 1, 2019: Callum Jones wins Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship. Congratulations, Callum, well-deserved!

January 24, 2019: Marios Hadjiantonis accepts postdoc at Nordita in Stockholm. Congratulations, Marios!

January 15, 2019: former graduate student Cheng Peng (PhD 2013) accepts postdoc at UC Davis. Congratulations, Cheng!