
Working Papers

"Seniority" (with Miles S. Kimball)

"Designated Market Makers are Even Better than You Think" (with Changsu Ko and Jongsang Park)  

"Temporary Price Reductions and Competition: Evidence from the Retail Beer Market" (with Andrew Usher)

"The Labor Market Effects of a Robot Tax: Evidence from a Tax Credit for New Technologies in South Korea" (with Jung Hyuk Lee and Simon Quach), draft available upon request

"Pricing-to-Market and the Employment Effect of Robots" (with Hwanwoong Lee)

"Minimum Wage, Worker Effort and the Wage of Senior Workers," draft available upon request

"Rising Income Inequality and the Fertility of Highly Skilled Women" (with Youngjae Lee), revision requested


"System Wide Runs and Financial Collapse" Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol.55(2-3): 531-558, 2023

 (online appendix)

"Does Product Revenue Matter for Price Setting and Monetary Policy Transmission?" (with Andrew Usher), Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol.47: 297-345, 2023

"How Effective are Automatic Stabilizers in Reducing Aggregate Volatility in Korea?" (with Jinhee Woo), Korean Economic Review, Vol.38(1), 2022

"국소투영 모형을 통한 정부지출의 경기부양효과와 구축효과 분석" 경제학연구, 제69집 제2호: 127-155, 2021

"자산 격차 발생요인 분석 및 완화 방안 연구" (정다운 공저), 재정정책논집, 23권 1호: 3-49, 2021