
 PUBLISHED PAPERS                                                                                                                                  

Procurement Mechanisms with Post-Auction Pre-Award Cost-reduction Investigations, (with George Chen and Izak Duenyas), 2022. Operations Research, 70: 3054-3075.

The Role of Feedback in Dynamic Crowdsourcing Contests: A Structural Empirical Analysis, (with Zhaohui (Zoey) Jiang and Yan Huang), 2022. Management Science, 68: 4858-4877.

The Role of Problem Specification in Crowdsourcing Contest for Design Problems: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, (with Zhaohui (Zoey) Jiang and Yan Huang), 2021.  Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 23: 637-656.

Running Online Experiments Using Web-Conferencing Software, (with Jiawei Li, Izak Duenyas, and Stephen Leider), 2021. Journal of the Economic Science Association, 7: 167-183

Supplier Sustainability Assessments in Total-Cost Auctions, (with Karca D. Aral and Luk Van Wassenhove), 2021. Production and Operations Management, 30: 902-920.

Split Award Auctions: Insights from Theory and Experiments, (with Aadhaar Chaturvedi and Elena Katok). 2019. Management Science, 65: 71-89.

When to Deploy Test Auctions in Sourcing, (with Qi (George) Chen, Izak Duenyas, and Brendan See). 2018. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 20: 232-248.

Bid-Taker Power and Supply Base Diversification, (with Zhixi Wan), 2014. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 16: 300-3143. MSOM 2008 Student Paper Competition Finalist. 

Split Award Auctions for Supplier Retention, (with Aadhaar Chaturvedi and Victor Martinez de Albeniz), 2014. Management Science, 60: 1719-1737.

Price-Quoting Strategies of an Upstream Supplier, (with Bin Hu and Izak Duenyas). 2013. Management Science, 59: 2093-2110.

Simple Auctions for Supply Contracts, (with Bin Hu and Izak Duenyas). 2013. Management Science, 59: 2332-2342.

Does Pooling Purchases Lead to Higher Profits?, (with Bin Hu and Izak Duenyas), 2013.  Management Science, 59: 1576-1593.

When Does it Pay to Delay Supplier Qualification? Theory and Experiments, (with Zhixi Wan and Elena Katok), 2012. Management Science, 58: 2057-2075.

Using a Dual-Sourcing Option in the Presence of Asymmetric Information about Supplier Reliability: Competition vs. Diversification, (with Zhibin (Ben) Yang, Goker Aydin and Volodymyr Babich), 2012. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 14: 202-217.

Solving Truckload Procurement Auctions Over An Exponential Number of Bundles,  (with Richard Chen, Shervin AhmadBeygi, Amy Cohn and Amitabh Sinha), 2009. Transportation Science, 43: 493-510. (Data files.)

Total-Cost Procurement Auctions: Impact of Suppliers' Cost Adjustments on Auction Format Choice, (with Dimitris Kostamis and Izak Duenyas), 2009. Management Science, 55: 1985-1999.  (Online appendix.)

Supply Disruptions, Asymmetric Information and a Backup Production Option, (with Zhibin (Ben) Yang, Goker Aydin and Volodymyr Babich), 2009. Management Science, 55: 192-209.

RFQ Auctions with Supplier Qualification Screening, (with Zhixi Wan), 2009. Operations Research, 57: 934-949.

A Pooling Analysis of Two Simultaneous Online Auctions, (with Lawrence M. Wein), 2009. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 11: 33-51. (Online appendix.)

An Inverse-Optimization-Based Auction Mechanism to Support a Multi-Attribute RFQ Process, (with Lawrence M. Wein), 2003.  Management Science, 49: 1529-1545.

Analysis and Comparison of Multimodal Cancer Treatments, (with Lawrence M. Wein), 2002.  IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied to Medicine and Biology, 18: 343-376.

Sequencing Surgery, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy: Insights from a Mathematical Analysis, (with Lawrence M. Wein), 2002.  Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 74: 279-286.

 INVITED ARTICLES & CHAPTERS                                                                                        

Supplier Selection, 2010. Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science.

Decentralized Supply Risk Management, (with Zhibin (Ben) Yang, Goker Aydin and Volodymyr Babich), 2010. Handbook of Integrated Risk Management in Global Supply Chains, co-edited by Panos Kouvelis, Onur Boyabatli, Lingxiu Dong, and Rong Li. Wiley.

Procurement Auctions, 2010. Tutorials in Operations Research.

 WORKING PAPERS                                                                                                                                     

Human Decision-Making in Dynamic Resource Allocation, (with Jiawei Li, Izak Duenyas, and Stephen Leider), 2021.

Team Decision Making in Operations Management, (with Jiawei Li and Stephen Leider), 2021. 

The Role of Cost Modeling in Competitive Bid Procurement, (with Yan Yin and Hyun-soo Ahn), 2012. POMS 2013 Student Paper Competition Finalist. 

Auctions to Learn Consumer Demand for a Product with a Short Selling Horizon, (with Matthew L. Potoff), 2007.