
Aslan Satary Dizaji is a scientist and entrepreneur residing in Tehran, Iran. He has a multidisciplinary background, from biophysics and neuroscience to machine learning and artificial intelligence. His long-term goal is to build biologically-par artificial general intelligence. He believes in the power of science and its universal language helping to solve difficult social dilemmas facing our societies, from environmental challenges to social conflicts.

In a striking piece in his book, Christof Koch talks about the evolution of matter and how the whole universe at the end will form a unified structure and becomes conscious of itself. Aslan hopes, one day, humanity transforms to one large-scale cooperative network having an intrinsic perspective with a unique subjective feeling.

Aslan likes this quote from Haruki Murakami’s book: "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional". Murakami uses this mantra to describe the feeling of a marathon runner, but Aslan believes this is generally true about any living organism.

Since 2022, Aslan has cofounded three startups: AutocurriculaLab in which he uses artificial intelligence to simulate social phenomena, NeuroAILab in which he borrows concepts from neuroscience to build robust artificial intelligence systems, and LangTechAI in which he develops open source tools based on large language models. To know more about his background, please refer to his CV, or visit his LinkedIn, Github, and Google Scholar.

These days he thinks more about agency, problem of relevance, and unconventional computing.