Selected Abstracts
Sant HH, DeAmicis, S, Dhiman K, Schalek R, Lichtman JW, and Katz PS (2024) 3D EM reconstructions of neurons from the nudibranch Berghia stephanieae reveal novel ultrastructural features, PSTR096.02. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL.
Sant HH, Cook A, Ramirex MD, Schalek R, Lichtman JW, and Katz PS (2024) Identification of glial cell types in the mollusc Berghia stephanieae using gene expression and volume electron microscopy. PSTR270.19. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago IL.
Misuraca GF, Tait CC, Watkins KL, and Katz PS (2024) Ionotropic receptor and neuropeptide expression in chemosensory appendages of the nudibranch Berghia. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Seattle, WA.
Otter K, Cairo LA, Tait CC, Katz PS (2024) State-dependence of neuronal gene expression for feeding-related peptides in a nudibranch. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Seattle, WA.
Otter K and Katz PS (2024) Distinct phases of nudibranch predatory behavior are differentially affected by hunger and prey cue. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Seattle, WA.
Ramirez MD, Sant HH, Cook AM, Drescher B, Wu Y, Schalek R, Lichtman JW, and Katz PS (2024) Seeing glia: Molecular and EM descriptions of glia in the gastropod mollusc Berghia stephanieae. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Seattle, WA.
Sant HH, Dhiman K, Glover AM, Drescher B, Wu Y, Schalek R, Lichtman JW, Katz PS, DeAmicis SJ (2024) 3D EM reconstructions of neurons in the nudibranch, Berghia reveal novel ultrastructural features. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Seattle, WA. Tait CC and Katz PS (2024) Structural complexity in central multimodal processing in a nudibranch mollusc brain. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Seattle, WA.
Ye KK, Otter K, Cairo LA, Katz PS (2024) Nudibranch behavioral responses to dangerous prey are location-dependent, not state-dependent. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Seattle, WA.
Otter K, Ye K, Cairo L, Forbes J, Katz PS (2023) Approach-avoidance decision-making in the specialist predator Berghia stephanieae. Animal Behavior Society, Portland, OR.
Otter K, Katz PS (2023) Dopaminergic and octopaminergic neurons in the nudibranch, Berghia stephanieae. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Conference, Austin, TX.
Tait CC and Katz PS (2023) Sensory integration occurs at multiple levels in a nudibranch brain. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting in Austin, Texas.
Quinlan PD, Tait CC, Ramirez MD, & Katz PS (2023). The nudibranch Berghia stephanieae uses visual cues for navigation. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Austin TX.
Quinlan PD, & Katz PS (2022). The nudibranch Berghia stephanieae has a context-dependent preference for dark environments. Soc. Integrative and Comparative Biology Meeting, Phoenix AZ.
Tait CC and Katz PS (2022) Structure and organization of the olfactory system in the mollusc Berghia stephanieae. Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego CA
Tait CC and Katz PS (2022) Widespread expression of egg-laying hormone in central ganglia and peripheral cells suggests a role beyond laying eggs in the nudibranch Berghia stephanieae. Society for Integrative and Comparative biology meeting in Phoenix, AZ
Quinlan PD, Cho AK, & Katz PS (2021). Characterization of visually-guided behaviors by the nudibranch, Berghia stephanieae. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Meeting (Virtual).
Tait CC and Katz PS (2021) Multimodal, distributed connectivity of the chemosensory appendage of the nudibranch mollusc, Berghia stephanieae suggests non-canonical olfactory processing. Society for Neuroscience meeting (virtual)
Tait CC and Katz PS (2021) “Kissing and cuddling: Mate guarding behaviors in the nudibranch Berghia stephanieae” On-demand talk at the annual Evolution meeting (virtual)
Tait CC and Katz PS (2021) “Population density and the reproductive hormone conopressin affect the mating behavior of the nudibranch Berghia stephanieae differently” Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (virtual)
Drescher BD, Meirovitch Y, Sant HH, Pavarino, E, Schalek R, Wang S, Wu Y, Lichtman JW, Katz PS (2021) Ultrastructure of the chemosensory rhinophore ganglion and its connective in the nudibranch mollusc Berghia stephanieae reveals an unexpectedly complex anatomical organization, P421.01, Society for Neuroscience: Online.
Tait CC and Katz PS (2020) “Molecular and behavioral characterization of two reproductive hormones in the nudibranch Berghia stephanieae” Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting in Austin, Texas
Quinlan PD, Fischer KE, Drescher B, Lichtman JW, Katz PS (2019) Spatial vision from a low-resolution eye, Neuroscience Meeting Planner Program No. 067.08, Chicago IL, Society for Neuroscience: Online.
Quinlan PD, Bui TN, Saimire Y, Ramirez, MD, Drescher B, Katz PS (2018) Behavioral characterization of Berghia stephanieae: A novel laboratory species for neuroethological research, Neuroscience Meeting Planner, Program No. 152.17, San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2018. Online. (Abstract)
Lee C, Romanova E, Boykin J, Tamvacakis AN, Katz PS, Gillette R, Sweedler JV (2017) Peptide profiles of key regulatory interneurons in the sea slug Pleurobranchaea californica. Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC. (Abstract)
Sakurai A and Katz PS (2017) Distinct neural mechanisms underlie half center oscillators for homologous swimming behaviors of two sea slug species. Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC. (Abstract)
Tamvacakis AN and Katz PS (2017) Single neuron RNA-seq and qPCR show correlation of 5-HT receptor subtype expression with species and individual differences in sea slug swimming behaviors. Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC. (Abstract)
Senatore A, Boykin JW, Ganupuru P, Katz PS (2015) "High-level mRNA expression of orthologous secreted proteins is a feature of the sea slug brain" 205.10 , Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL (Abstract)
Sakurai A, Senatore, A, Katz PS (2015) "Divergent neural mechanisms underlie homologous rhythmic behaviors" 421.22, Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL (Abstract)
Senatore A and Katz PS (2014) “Brain transcriptomes from six sea slug species provide insights into neural circuit evolution” 400.08, Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC. (Abstract)
Tamvacakis A.N., Senatore A, Katz PS (2014) “Identification of novel serotonin receptors in six species of sea slugs” 400.09, Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC. (Abstract)
Katz PS, Gunaratne CA, Sakurai A, Senatore A, Tamvacakis AN (2014) “A Diversity of Neuromodulatory Actions and Synaptic Connections Underlies the Evolution of Swimming Behaviors in Nudibranch Sea Slugs”, The 34th Annual Meeting of the J.B. Johnston Club for Evolutionary Neuroscience and the 26th Annual Karger Workshop in Evolutionary Neuroscience: Abstracts , Brain Behavior and Evolution, 84(1), 5.
Sakurai A and Katz PS (2013) “Homologues of interneurons in two different species have distinct functions in the generation of similar rhythmic motor patterns” 169.01 Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA. (Abstract)
Gunaratne CA, Sakurai A and Katz PS (2013) “Three central pattern generators containing homologous neurons use different mechanisms to produce analogous behaviors” 169.02 Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA. (Abstract)
Tamvacakis A and Katz P (2013) “Comparison of serotonin 1a and 2 receptor subtype mRNA expression across tissue, ganglia, and single neurons in the opisthobranch mollusc Tritonia diomedea” 223.05 Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Gunaratne, CA and Katz PS (2012) “Homologous identified neurons: Identification and characterization in species exhibiting analogous and non-analogous rhythmic behaviors” 609.02 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. New Orlean, LA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. Online.
Sakurai A and Katz PS (2012) “Individual variability in synaptic properties reveals distinct mechanisms underlying susceptibility to and recovery from lesion of a central pattern generator” 46.23 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. New Orlean, LA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. Online.
Lillvis JL and Katz PS (2011) “Electrophysiological properties of homologous identified neurons do not display functional or phylogenetic consistency” 918.03 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2011. Online.
Sakurai A, and Katz PS (2011) “Distinct neural circuit architectures produce analogous rhythmic behaviors in related species” 918.04 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2011. Online.
Gunarantne CA, Lillvis JL, and Katz PS (2011) “Identification of Homologues of Tritonia swim CPG neurons in other Nudipleura molluscs” 918.05 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2011. Online.
Sakurai A, Newcomb JM and Katz PS (2010) “Homologous interneurons have distinct functions in the generation of similar rhythmic motor patterns” 783.7 2010 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2010. Online.
Lillvis, JL and Katz PS (2010) “Species differences in serotonergic neuromodulation related to locomotor behavior” 783.6 2010 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2010. Online.
Lillvis, JL and Katz PS (2010) “Species differences in serotonergic neuromodulation related to locomotor behavior” International Congress of Neuroethology. – Winner of Best Poster Presentation.
Sakurai A and Katz PS (2009) “Synaptic properties predict individual susceptibility to and recovery from lesion of a central pattern generator” Society for Neuroscience Program No. 366.14. 2009 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Chicago, IL: Society for Neuroscience, 2009. Online.
J.L. Lillvis and P.S. Katz (2008) “Identification of a FMRFamide-like immunoreactive neuron in the cerebral ganglion of Aplysia californica” Program #880.2, Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2008. Online
S. Jhala, A. Sakurai, J.L. Lillvis, P.S. Katz (2008) “Serotonergic innervation of the Aplysia tail nerve” Program #880.3, Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2008. Online
A. Sakurai, P.S. Katz (2008) “A serotonergic interneuron evokes both state-dependent and state-independent neuromodulatory actions” Program #574.3, Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2008. Online
P.S. Katz, A. Sakurai, E.S. Hill, C.A. Gunaratne (2008) “Interactions of state-dependent and state-independent neuromodulation account for spike-timing dependent neuromodulation” Program #574.4, Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2008. Online
J. Bentley-Sloan, A.B. Kohn, M. Citarella, E.V. Bobkova1, R.E. Virata1, R. Shaw, F. Yu, P.S. Katz, W. Farmerie, R. Gillette, L.L. Moroz (2008) “Toward evolutionary dynamic of neuronal transcriptomes: Insights from simpler nervous systems of gastropod molluscs” Program # 793.1, Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2008. Online
A. Sakurai, P.S. Katz (2007) Adaptive plasticity underlies functional recovery following lesion of a central pattern generator. Program No. 188.12 Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Lillvis JL, Kohn AB, Yu, F, Shaw, R, Farmerie, W, Moroz LL, Katz PS (2007) Neuropeptide gene expression patterns in the gastropod mollusc, Tritonia diomedea. Program No. 140.8. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
A.C. Ajlen, P.S. Katz, K.J. Frantz, R. Calin-Jageman (2007) Amphetamine enhances locomotor activity after repeated exposure in the marine mollusc Aplysia californica. Program No. 429.10. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA.
Calin-Jageman RJ, Sunderraman S, Zhu Y, Katz PS (2007). NeuronBank: An on-line knowledge base of identified neurons and synaptic connections. Gastropod Neuroscience: Past Successes and Future Prospects, Friday Harbor Laboratories, WA.
Calin-Jageman RJ, Sunderraman R, Zhu Y, & Katz PS (2006). Development of Neuron Bank: An on-line Knowledge Base of Identified Neurons and Synaptic Connections. 9th International Protégé Conference. Mon4. Stanford, CA.
Calin-Jageman RJ, Frost WN, Katz PS (2006). A computational analysis of neuromodulatory control of rhythmic neural activity in the Tritonia swim central pattern generator. 2006 Computational Neuroscience, T50, Edinburgh, Scotland.
R. Calin-Jageman, W.N. Frost, P.S. Katz (2006) Neuromodulatory control of rhythmic neural activity in the Tritonia swim CPG: a large-scale computational analysis. Program # 350.1. Society for Neuroscience. 2006 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Atlanta, GA: Society for Neuroscience, 2006. Online.
J.M. Newcomb, P.S. Katz (2006) Phylogenetic reconfiguration of neural circuits underlying locomotion in nudibranch molluscs. Program # 350.2. Society for Neuroscience. 2006 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Atlanta, GA: Society for Neuroscience, 2006. Online.
J.M. Newcomb, M. M. Naugle, D. J. Fickbohm, P. S. Katz (2006) Comparative mapping of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in the central nervous systems of nudibranch molluscs. Program # 129.18. Society for Neuroscience. 2006 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Atlanta, GA: Society for Neuroscience, 2006. Online.
A.Sakurai, P.S. Katz (2006) Activity-dependent heterosynaptic augmentation of synaptic transmission caused by a serotonergic interneuron in the Tritonia swim CPG. Program # 350.4. Society for Neuroscience. 2006 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Atlanta, GA: Society for Neuroscience, 2006. Online.
E.S. Hill, P.S. Katz (2006) Heterosynaptic enhancement of spike-evoked Ca++ signals by a serotonergic interneuron. Program # 350.3. Society for Neuroscience. 2006 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Atlanta, GA: Society for Neuroscience, 2006. Online.
J.M. Newcomb and P.S. Katz (2005) Evolution of central pattern generator circuitry in nudibranch molluscs: changes in the functions of identified neurons embedded in a common network. Program No. 752.2. 2005 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington D.C. Society for Neuroscience.
A. Sakurai; R.J. Calin-Jageman; P.S. Katz (2005) Serotonergic enhancement of transmitter release mediates the synaptic potentiation phase of spike timing-dependent neuromodulation. Program No. 177.13 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington D.C. Society for Neuroscience.
E.S. Hill and P.S. Katz (2005) Membrane potential accounts for the Ca++ signal during rhythmic bursting in a swim CPG neuron in the mollusc Tritonia diomedea. Program No. 54.3 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington D.C. Society for Neuroscience.
P.S. Katz, R.J. Calin-Jageman, C. Gardner, J.A. Pamplin, R. Sunderraman, H. Tian, H. Yang, Y. Zhu (2005) Development of NeuronBank: An on-line database of identified neurons and synaptic connections. Program No. 570.6 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington D.C. Society for Neuroscience.
A. Sakurai and P.S. Katz (2004) Serotonergic enhancement of a 4-AP sensitive current causes spike propagation failure in a Tritonia swim CPG neuron with multiple spike initiation zones. Program No. 537.1. 2004 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience.
N.R. Darghouth; A. Sakurai; R.J. Butera; P.S. Katz (2004) Computer simulations and dynamic clamp experiments support a role for a 4-AP-sensitive current in serotonin-induced spike narrowing leading to synaptic depression. Program No. 420.2. 2004 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience.
J.M. Newcomb and P.S. Katz (2003) Homologous serotonergic neurons in two molluscan species differentially participate in analogous locomotor behaviors. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 29, #403.7.
A. Sakurai and P.S. Katz (2003) 4-AP and IBMX selectively block the depression phase of a biphasic neuromodulation of synaptic strength by serotonergic neurons in the Tritonia swim CPG. Soc. Neurosci Abstr. 29, #168.18.
P.S. Katz, A. Sakurai, S. Clemens, D. Davis (2002) Cycle period regulation in the Tritonia escape swim. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.28, 67.5.
C.P. Lynn-Bullock, S. Clemens, A. Sakurai, and P.S. Katz (2002) Functional anatomy of the escape swim CPG in Tritonia. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.28, 67.25.
L.B. Popova and P.S. Katz (2002) The effects of 5-HT on acutely isolated serotonergic Tritonia swim CPG neurons. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.28, 270.12.
A. Sakurai and P.S. Katz (2002) Serotonergic interneurons in Tritonia evoke a biphasic neuromodulatory action. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.28, 270.13.
P.S. Katz (2001) Short-term synaptic plasticity suggests that 5-HT synthesis and reuptake affect separate transmitter pools at a serotonergic synapse in Tritonia. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.27: 13.10.
S. Clemens and P.S. Katz (2001) Photolysis of intracellularly injected caged cyclic AMP rapidly affects the Tritonia swim CPG. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.27: 306.29.
C.P.Lynn-Bullock, K.Welshhans, A.Reedy, S.F.Belinga, S.L.Pallas, P.S.Katz (2001) 5-HTP - and 5-HT- immunoreactivity in the raphe nucleus, substantia nigra, and locus coeruleus after oral 5-HTP administration. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.27: 806.15.
D.R.McPherson and P.S.Katz (2001) Identification of serotonergic cerebral neurons that project to the pedal ganglia in Aplysia californica. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr.27: 943.10.