
Cărţi publicate

1. GRECU Valentin (2018) Sustenabilitatea: Provocari si Oportunitati, GlobeEdit, Beau Bassin, Mauritius, ISBN: 978-613-9-41330-0, 271 pagini

2. Denes Calin, GRECU Valentin (2016) Essentials of Business Communication and Negotiation, LAP-LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany, ISBN 978-3-330-01867-9, 220 pagini

3. GRECU Valentin, (2015) Managing Sustainability in Organizations with EcoBusiness-Intelligence, LAP-LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany, ISBN 978-3-659-76447-9, 208 pagini

4. Denes Calin, Radu Sorin, GRECU Valentin, (2015) Sustainability in Higher Education, LAP-LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany, ISBN 978-3-659-81718-2, 282 pagini

5. Berntzen Lasse, GRECU Valentin (eds.) (2015) Digital Factory: Concepts, Implementations, Present and Future Challenges, LULU Publishing House, ISBN 17145868, 370 pagini

6. GRECU Valentin, Contributions to Sustainability in Universities, (2014), LAP-LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany, ISBN 978-3-659-63666-0, 564 pagini

7. GRECU Valentin, Roşca Liviu, Să construim un site cu Joomla!, (2011) Editura Universităţii „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, 2011, ISBN 978-606-12-0133-4, 165 pagini

8. Ţuţurea Moise, Miricescu Dan, Morar Gina-Maria, GRECU Valentin, (2010) Leadership în organizaţii, Editura Universităţii „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, 2010, ISBN 978-973-739-953-3, 423 pagini

9. Roşca Liviu, GRECU Valentin, (2009) Cercetări operaţionale. Aplicaţii, Editura Universităţii „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, 2009, ISBN 978-973-739-821-5, 350 pagini

Lucrări în reviste/publicaţii ISI

1. Dvarioniene Jolanta, GRECU Valentin, Lai Sabrina, Scorza Francesco (2017) Four Perspectives of Applied Sustainability: Research Implications and Possible Integrations. In: Gervasi O. et al. (eds) Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2017. ICCSA 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10409. Springer, Cham Accession Number: WOS:000451372400039

2. Calin Denes and Valentin GRECU (2017), Some considerations on adapting academic qualifications to the Romanian labor market, MATEC Web of Conferences, Volume 121, 12003 Accession Number: WOS:000435283800140

3. Valentin GRECU and Calin Denes (2017), Benefits of entrepreneurship education and training for engineering students, MATEC Web of Conferences, Volume 121, 12007 Accession Number: WOS:000435283800144

4. Valentin GRECU and Silviu NATE (2016), Political Challenges, Best Practices and Recommendations for Energy Sustainable Municipalities, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-42111-7_43 In book: Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2016, pp.542-551 Accession Number: WOS:000381935100043

5. Francesco SCORZA and Valentin GRECU (2016) Assessing Sustainability: Research Directions and Relevant Issues, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-42085-1_55 In book: Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2016, pp.642-647 Accession Number: WOS:000381933000055

6. Radu Emanuil PETRUSE, Valentin GRECU and Bogdan Marius CHILIBAN (2016), Augmented Reality Applications in the Transition Towards the Sustainable Organization, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-42111-7_33 In book: Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2016, pp.428-442 Accession Number: WOS:000381935100033

7. Valentin GRECU and Tudor MORAR (2013) A Decision Support System for Improving Pedestrian Accessibility in Neighborhoods, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 92, 10 October 2013, Pages 588–593, Accession Number: WOS:000347957500096

8. Tudor MORAR, Valentin GRECU, Ciprian COSTESCU, (2013) Administration's Role in Managing Urban Pedestrian Accessibility, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 92, 10 October 2013, Pages 594–599, Accession Number: WOS:000347957500097

9. Valentin GRECU, Călin DENEŞ and Nagore IPIÑA (2013) Creative Teaching Methods using Charades and Movie Making Activities for Educating Engineers, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 371 (2013) pp 764-768 Accession Number: WOS:000334556900148

10. Călin DENEŞ and Valentin GRECU, (2013) Improving Maintenance Activities of Machine Tools, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 371 (2013) pp 837-841 Accession Number: WOS:000334556900162

Lucrări în reviste/publicaţii indexate BDI

1. Valentin GRECU, Calin Denes, (2019) Should Sweatshops Be Boycotted? The Bias of Communication Campaigns of Activists, Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu Jiu, Engineering Series , No. 3/2019, pp155-160

2. Valentin GRECU, Calin Denes, (2019) Quality Management Of The Human Resource - A Factor For The Organizational Performance, Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu Jiu, Engineering Series , No. 3/2019, pp134-139

3. Calin Denes, Valentin GRECU (2019) Considerations About Improving Business English Communication Skills, Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu Jiu, Engineering Series , No. 3/2019, pp125-129

4. Calin Denes, Valentin GRECU (2019) Another View On The Reliability Of Systems With Components Subjected To Fatigue, Annals of the „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu Jiu, Engineering Series , No. 3/2019, pp149-154

5. Valentin GRECU (2015). The Global Sustainability Index: An Instrument For Assessing The Progress Towards The Sustainable Organization. ACTA Universitatis Cibiniensis, 67(1), 215-220.

6. Valentin GRECU (2015). Managing Knowledge And Information In The Sustainable Organization. ACTA Universitatis Cibiniensis, 67(1), 51-56.

7. Alina PERTEA, Valentin GRECU (2015). Using Theatric Pedagogy To Develop Social And Emotional Skills In Order To Improve Employability Of Engineering Students. ACTA Universitatis Cibiniensis, 66(1), 143-146.

8. Gina Maria MORARU and Valentin GRECU, (2015), Realities and Forecasts in Benchmarking, Proceedings of the International Conferene IMT Oradea 2015, pp 235-240

9. Valentin GRECU and Nagore IPIÑA, (2014), The Sustainable University – A Model For The Sustainable Organization, Management of Sustainable Development Sibiu, Romania, Volume 6, No. 2, December 2014, DOI 10.1515/msd-2015-0002, pp.15-24

10. Valentin GRECU and Silviu NATE, (2014), Managing sustainability with eco-business intelligence instruments, Management of Sustainable Development Sibiu, Romania, Volume 6, No.1, June 2014, pp.25-30, DOI 10.2478/msd-2014-0003

11. Damaris LEAHU, Valentin GRECU and Ion CIUCĂ (2014), Best Cutting Method of a Material Using the Decision Support System, Annals of The University of Oradea, Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering, Issue #3, December 2014,

12. Silviu NATE and Valentin GRECU, (2014), Eco-Intelligent Tools – A Necessity For Sustainable Businesses, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference - The Global Challenges for Environmental and Resource Economics in Central and Eastern European Countries: Safety, Security, and Sustainability (GCERECEEC’2014); October 9-11, 2014, Kyiv, Ukraine

13. Constantin Vasiloaica, Valentin GRECU, Anca Fraţilă, (2014) Considerations Regarding the Lifetime of Dentures, Buletinul Universităţii Petrol – Gaze din Ploieşti, Seria TEHNICĂ, Vol. LXVI No. 1/2014, pp. 21-28. (BDI sau B+)

14. Eugen Avrigean and Valentin GRECU, (2014), Market Research Regarding Problems in Using Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Volume 12, ISSUE 4/2014, Editura Politehnica – ISSN 1583-7904, pp 6-11

15. Valentin GRECU, Calin Denes, Rodica Ciudin, (2014), Formative Assessment in Sustainability Education of Engineers, Through Poster Presentations, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Volume 12, ISSUE 4/2014, Editura Politehnica – ISSN 1583-7904, pp 48-53

16. Alina Maria Rus, Mihai Victor Zerbes, Claudiu Vasile Kifor, Călin George Rus, Valentin GRECU, (2014), Process Improvement Using DMAIC Methodology in Automotive Industry. Case Study, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Volume 12, ISSUE 4/2014, Editura Politehnica – ISSN 1583-7904, pp 103-108

17. Bogdan Marius CHILIBAN, Valentin GRECU, Claudiu KIFOR (2013) Organizational Knowledge Management Model, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Design and Product Development (ICDPD '13), Chania, Crete Island, Greece, August 27-29, 2013, pp. 56-65

18. Valentin GRECU, Călin Deneş, (2013) Researches Regarding the Acquiring of Students’ Business Communication Skills, Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, 2013, nr. 4, ISSN 1842-4856

19. Valentin GRECU, Călin Deneş,, (2013) Considerations Regarding the Flexibility of Information Systems For Decisional Support, Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, 2013, nr. 4, ISSN 1842-4856

20. Calin DENES and Valentin GRECU (2013) Experimental Research on Dimensional Precision of Small Revolution Surfaces Processed by WEDM, Nonconventional Technologies Review, Volume 3, Issue 2013, pp 31-36

21. Calin DENES and Valentin GRECU (2013) Innovative Changes for Reaching Sustainability in Universities, Management of Sustainable Development Sibiu, Romania, Volume 5, No.1, June 2013, pp9-13

22. Valentin GRECU and Calin DENES (2013), Sharing Knowledge for a Sustainable Future, Annals of the Oradea University, Fascicle of Management and Technological Engineering Issue 1, May 2013, pp95-98

23. Valentin GRECU, Călin Deneş, (2012) An Instrument for Training Teachers in Order to Develop Sustainable Education, Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, 2012, nr. 4, ISSN 1842-4856, pp289-299

24. Valentin GRECU, Călin Deneş, (2012) Sustainable Management: A Creative Solution for Harmonizing Management Styles, Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, 2012, nr. 4, ISSN 1842-4856, pp300-311

25. Valentin GRECU, Călin Deneş, (2012) Creative Methods for Teaching, Communicating and Raising Awareness on Sustainability Issue, Management of Sustainable Development Journal, volume 4, nr.2/2012, ISSN: 2247 – 0220

26. Valentin GRECU, Călin Deneş, (2012) An On-Line Managerial Instrument for the Transition Towards the Sustainable University, Management of Sustainable Development Journal, volume 4, nr.2/2012, ISSN: 2247 – 0220

27. Valentin GRECU, Călin DENES, (2012) Sustainability Management in Romania: Challenges and Opportunities, REVISTA ECONOMICA – Journal of Economic-Financial Theory and Practice, Supplement No. 5, pp142-151

28. Călin DENEŞ, Valentin GRECU, (2012) Innovative Method for Increasing Shape Accuracy of Deep Cylindrical Holes in WEDM, Nonconventional Technologies Review, Volume 16 No. 2/2012, ISSN 1454-3087, pp48-52

29. Valentin GRECU. Şi Călin DENES, (2012) Sustainability Management in Romania: Challenges and Opportunities, Proceedings of the 19th International Economic Conference: The Peristence of the Global Economic Crisis: Causes, Iimplications, Solutions, pp 203-212

30. Valentin GRECU Şi Călin DENES, (2012) Teaching Sustainability Through Movie Making Activities, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering & Business Education, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Sibiu, Romania, 18 - 21 October, 2012, pp313-318

31. Valentin GRECU Şi Călin DENES, (2012) A Decision Support System for the Transition Towards the Sustainable University, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering & Business Education, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Sibiu, Romania, 18 - 21 October, 2012, pp319-324

32. Călin DENEŞ Şi Valentin GRECU, (2012) Innovating For Sustainable Universities, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering & Business Education, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Sibiu, Romania, 18 - 21 October, 2012, pp309-312

33. Valentin GRECU Şi Călin DENES, (2012) E-tools for the Transition Towards the Sustainable University, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Quality Management in Higher Education (QMHE), Iasi, Romania, November 16-17, 2012, pp129-138

34. Călin DeneŞ, Valentin GRECU, (2011) Approach to Innovation and Sustainable Development in Higher Education, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Education – MSE , Sibiu, 2011. ISSN 1843-2522, pag. 131-134

35. Valentin GRECU, Călin DeneŞ, (2011) Study on Sustainable Development of Romanian Universities, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Education – MSE , Sibiu, 2011. ISSN 1843-2522, pag. 143-146

36. Valentin GRECU, Călin Deneş, (2011) Changing Towards Sustainability Education – Trends, Barriers and Possible Solutions, Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, 2011, nr. 4, pp. 326-337, ISSN 1842-4856

37. Călin Deneş, Valentin GRECU, (2011) Considerations on The Maintenance of Production Equipment, Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, 2011, nr. 4, pp. 338-347, ISSN 1842-4856

38. Remus-Constantin BUTĂNESCU-VOLANIN, Călin Deneş, Valentin GRECU, (2011) Some Considerations on Economic Analysis of Conflict Management of the Firm, Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, 2011, nr. 4, pp. 292-302, ISSN 1842-4856

39. Călin Deneş, Valentin GRECU, (2010) Students’ Perceptions on Sustainability in Higher Education – Case Study at “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, 2010, nr. 4, pp. 328-338, ISSN 1842-4856

40. Lucian Grigorescu, Valentin GRECU, (2010) Improving the Management Efficiency of Industrial Production by using the Benchmarking Method, Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, 2010, nr. 4, pp. 351-362, ISSN 1842-4856

41. Liviu-Ion Roşca, Valentin GRECU, Laura Felicia Bălan, (2009) Consideraţii privind inteligenţa emoţională şi stresul ocupaţional într-o companie producătoare de încălţăminte, Revista de Management şi Inginerie Economică, 2009 volum 8/ no. 1A, pp. 47-52, ISSN 1583-624X

42. Călin Deneş, Valentin GRECU, (2009) Consideraţii privind determinarea fiabilităţii produselor solicitate la oboseală, Revista de Management şi Inginerie Economică, 2009 volum 8/ no. 1A, pp. 79-89, ISSN 1583-624X

Lucrări în reviste româneşti recunoscute CNCSIS - categoria B

1. Valentin GRECU (2014), A multi-criteria decision support algorithm for solving sustainability problems within organization, Proceedings of the Joint International Conference of Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Researchers, Craiova, 12-13 September 2014, pp 384-394

2. Calin DENES and Valentin GRECU (2013) The Impact of Studying Business Communication on Engineering Students, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Science And Education MSE 2013, Sibiu 12-15 June 2013, pp403-406

3. Valentin GRECU, (2010) The Efforts and Perceptions Regarding Sustainability of Students From “Hermann Oberth” Engineering Faculty of Sibiu, Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, vol. LXI, Technical series, Sibiu, 2010, pp. 89-92.

4. Valentin GRECU, Călin DeneŞ, (2010) Comparison of Students’ Knowledge, Awareness and Actions Concerning Sustainable Development, Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, vol. LXI, Technical series, Sibiu, 2010, pp. 93-96.

5. Valentin GRECU, Călin DeneŞ, (2010) Opinions, knowledge and attitudes of teachers from The Engineering Faculty of Sibiu towards Sustainable Development, Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, vol. LXI, Technical series, Sibiu, 2010, pp. 97-100.

6. Valentin GRECU, Călin DeneŞ, (2010) Assuring the Success of Change Through an Innovative Approach of Human Resource Management, Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, vol. LXI, Technical series, Sibiu, 2010, pp. 105-108.

7. Călin Deneş, Valentin GRECU, (2009) Sweatshops in the Spotlight, Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, vol. LVIII, Technical series, Sibiu, 2009, pp. 83-88.

Lucrări publicate Şi prezentate în cadrul unor conferinŢe internationale

1. Valentin GRECU, Bogdan Marius CHILIBAN, Claudiu-Vasile KIFOR, Constantin OPREAN and Mihail ŢÎŢU (2013) An ICT System for Decisional Support in University Management, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering & Business Education, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Windhoek, Namibia, 07 - 10 October, 2013, pp 15-22

2. Mihail Aurel ŢÎŢU, Constantin OPREAN, Claudiu-Vasile KIFOR, Oana NEGOITA, Valentin GRECU (2013), The Evolution And Impact Of The Kaizen Concept And Kaizen Management In The Economic And Social Environment In Romania, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering & Business Education, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Windhoek, Namibia, 07 - 10 October, 2013, pp 28-35

3. Valentin GRECU, Calin DENES, Stefania KIFOR, Bogdan Marius CHILIBAN and Alina Maria RUS (2013), Sustainability Management: a Catalyst for the Harmonization of Management Styles, Proceedings of the 2nd International Engineering and Technology Education Conference (IETEC) 2013, Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam 3-6 November 2013

4. Constantin OPREAN, Rodica Ofelia MICLEA, Claudiu-Vasile KIFOR, Ioan LEŞ, Valentin GRECU, Călin DENEŞ, Camelia OPREAN, (2012) The Sustainable Development in Romanian Higher Education, VIII Taller Internacional “Universidad, Medio Ambiente, Energía y Desarrollo Sostenible”, 14-17 Februarie 2012, Cienfuegos, Cuba, pp. 1469-1482

5. Constantin OPREAN, Valentin GRECU, Călin DENEŞ, Claudiu-Vasile KIFOR, Camelia OPREAN, Sustainability in Romanian Higher Education, (2011) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering and Business Education and 1st SAFRI Journey to Excellence Conference, 20-23 November 2011, Cape Town, South Africa, pp 197-208

6. Valentin GRECU, (2011) Contributions to Sustainability in Romanian Higher Education – lucrare prezentată la School of Education Public Seminar – University of Aberdeen, 7 Decembrie 2011

7. Liviu-Ion Roşca, Valentin GRECU, (2009) Considerations on emotional intelligence and ocupational stress in a footwear producing company, The 4th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Education – MSE 2009 – Sibiu.

Articole publicate în reviste de specialitate sau susţinute la conferinţe ştiinţifice, rezultate din alte cercetări

1. Liviu RoŞca, Cristina-Virginia Mugioiu, Marius Vlăsceanu, Valentin GRECU, (2010) A comparative Analysis of Leg Gestues, Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, vol. LXI, Technical series, Sibiu, 2010, pp. 167-170.

2. Valentin GRECU, Liviu RoŞca, Bianca Giurgiu, (2010) Management at Nanolevel, Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, vol. LXI, Technical series, Sibiu, 2010, pp. 101-104.

3. Călin Deneş, Valentin GRECU, (2009) Wire electrode vibrations on electric discharge machining, International Symposium AVMS’2009-Timişoara, May 28, 2009, Proceedings of the X-th Symposium Acoustics and Vibration of Mechanical Structures AVSM-2009, Editura Politehnica Timişoara, ISBN 973-625-238-8, 8 pagini

4. Constantin Vasiloaica, Valentin GRECU, (2009) Prestressed Cylindrical Structure Models, Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, vol. LIX, Technical series, Sibiu, 2009, pp. 68-73.