RISK Project

Returnees’ Innovative Skills and Knowledge: Becoming Entrepreneur through Migration Experience (RISK)

Duration 05/2018 - 04/2020

Funded by UEFISCDI

Project's code: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD2016-0659


This research project builds on the idea that the experience of international migration changes people’s skills, abilities and stocks of knowledge. The Romanian context represents an excellent environment for verifying if the accumulation of human capital abroad influences former migrants’ work statuses after return. 

In order to explore this assumption, we developed a comprehensive framework for analysing the relationship between entrepreneurship and individuals’ experiences of international migration. We advance a multidimensional approach for looking at the main outcomes of the experience of migration in terms of individuals’ stocks of human, social, and economic, as well as changes in their values. At the same time, the research project will pay attention to subjective representations of structural determinants and will distinguish between opportunity and necessity entrepreneurial behaviours.

The main objective of the project goes beyond the usual comparison between migrants and non-migrants and concentrates the research on specific transitions from the un/employment work statuses towards entrepreneurship and self-employment through migration. We are interested in analysing how new skills and knowledge accumulated abroad are used by returnees for starting businesses, but these elements will be framed by insights into their work experiences before emigration, during migration, and after return. 

We propose a mixed-mode methodology which integrates quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis. A special designed micro-regional screening survey will provide relevant data for testing hypotheses linked to our objectives and at the same time this will assure a sub-sample of subjects for following up in-depth interviews. 


Project leader: Alin Croitoru

Mentor: Bogdan Voicu



