
I have occupied different academic management positions at the university:


  • Coordinator of the Mechanical Engineering division in UJI (since Sep-1993)
  • Member of the commission for the doctoral program in Industrial Technologies and Materials (since Jul-2014)
  • External colaborator in the evaluation of universitary titles for the Quality Agency of the Universitary System in Castilla y León (since Dec-2019).


  • Collaborator of the General Board for Research Projects in Spain, program in Industrial Design and Production, DPI (Aug-2014 to Jul-2018).
  • Specialist for university access exams in the subject of Industrial Technology (since Oct-2000 to Oct-2014)
  • Director of the Master in Design and Manufacturing (Mar-2007 to Apr-2014)
  • Director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Construction (Jul-2005 to Jan-2014)
  • Specialist for university access exams in the subject of Mechanics (Oct-2000 to Sep-2009)
  • Vice-director of the Technical School of Experimental Sciences and Technology, director of the degree of Technical Engineering in Mechanics (Sep-2004 to Jul-2005)
  • Director of the degree of Technical Engineering in Mechanics (May-2000 to Sep-2004)
  • Secretary of the Department of Technology (Dec-1993 to May-2000)