Jan Van den Bergh

Teaching  Research  Scientific service

About me

I am a senior computer science researcher working at the Expertise Centre for Digital Media of Hasselt University.

My research focus is on user-centered engineering of context-sensitive or collaborative user interfaces.

My current research focuses on human-machine interaction in the manufacturing industry.


I am and was involved in several courses, primarily related to (object-oriented) programming, software engineering and project skills and project management, as well as several courses about project work. In the past I was also involved in introductory courses about operatings systems, computing systems, image processing. I gave research-related lectures in courses about user-centered development and techniques and tools for user interfaces. 


I was involved in the first course on object oriented programming for computer science students from 2002 till 2023. I also taught Applied Economics students about Visual Basic and computer science students about C in what is now the first bachelor.

Software engineering

I am involved in the basic course about software engineering since 2011. Before that, I was involved in a course about advanced software engineering for about 6 years.  

Project management & project skills

I coordinated a course on project management for computer science students until 2017-2018 and until 2015-2016 for Business Engineering in Management Information Systems students. 

From 2028 to 2023 I was involved in the course project skills  ("projectvaardigheden" in Dutch) with a focus on technical and communication skills in project work for computer science students.


I was contact person for internships (Dutch: bedrijfsstages) for the computer science department (Dutch: departement informatica) of UHasselt until 2020-2021.


I guided and was promotor of several bachelor and master theses and I was part of some PhD juries.


My research interests include model-driven and user-centered design of user interactive applications, as well as the design and configuration of collaborative and social interactive software. Recently, my research is focused on (the construction of) appropriate interfaces for operators and engineers (with or without robots) in the manufacturing industry.


PDF's of peer-reviewed publications  should be available online  through DocLib.
In some  cases this  is  the author's version only.
Contact me , if the pdf of the paper you're interested cannot be found there.
You can find more about my publications on the following sites:


I am currently involved in the Flanders Make ICON Qualma and SBO AQUME.

I was involved in Flanders Make ICON ProRob, ICON SmartHandler, ICON OperatorKnowledge, and Flanders Make SBO Flexas-VR and OperatorAssist the IWT SBO project SCATE, the imec HI ACThings and the imec.icon Claxon project, the SEESCOA project (1999-2003) and the CoDAMoS project (2003-2005), the IWT Participate project of Alcatel Bell (2005-2007) as well as the IWT SBO project VR-DeMo. I was guiding research within EDM on several projects: IWT Warhol project of Punch Graphix, IBBT GBO CoCoMedia, IBBT ISBO CoCoNut and IBBT ISBO GRASP. I worked on the FWO project Transforming Human Interface Designs via Model Driven Engineering (THIMDE) and the iMinds ICON A Touch of Memory (AToM), iMinds ICON FallRisk, ITEA2 Empathic Products.


Scientific Service

PC member

I am PC member of NordiCHI2024 and PROFES2024.

I was PC member of IUI 2024, CHI LBW 2024, HCSE 2024, IUI 2023, HCSE@Interact 2023CHI2023 LBW and Interact 2023 (full and short papers), HCSE 2022, EICS 2022 Tech Notes, CHI2022 LBW, IUI 2022, NordiCHI 2022, Interact 2021,  IUI 2021, HCSE 2020, IUI 2020Interact 2019, IUI 2019HCI Engineering 2019 and EISMS 2019 at EICS 2019, HCSE 2018, EICS 2017, HCSE+HESSD 2016, EICS 2016, EICS 2013, Interact 2011, EICS 2011, Modiquitous 2011 at EICS 2011, PEICS 2011 at EICS 2011, ComDeisMoto 2011 at Interact 2011, MDDAUI 2010 at CHI 2010, ICHI 2010, MDDAUI 2009 at IUI 2009, ICHI 2009, MDDAUI 2007 at MoDELS 2007, MDUCDE 2007 at IFAC-HMS 2007, MDDAUI 2006 at MoDELS 2006, MDDAUI 2005 at MoDELS 2005.

I regularly review for PACMHCI EICS and joined the editorial board from July 2023. I review for Advanced Engineering Informatics.

Other organisational roles

I was co-organising  a workshop on the Management of Risks and Benefits when Engineering Interactive Digital Systems at EICS 2021.

I was co-chairing the the Demos and Posters track @ EICS 2020  (conference cancelled due to COVID-19) and HCSE 2020.

I was co-organizing EISMS 2019 @ EICS 2019.

I was session chair at HCSE@Interact 2023, Interact 2023, EICS 2021, EICS 2017 and HCSE 2018.  During most of these events I created, and refined, a slideset to ease my task. It automatically progresses and warns when presentation time (3-2-1 minutes left) and question time (1 minute left) is nearly finished. Feel free to use or adapt it. 

I was Tutorial co-chair of EICS 2017.

I was Workshops and Tutorial co-chair of EICS 2016.

I was co-organizer of the EmpaTeX workshop at TVX 2014.

I was co-organizer of a workshop around Combining Design and Engineering of Interactive Systems through Models and Tools (ComDeisMoto) at Interact 2011.

I was co-organizer of a workshop around Model Driven Design of Advanced User Interfaces at CHI 2010, IUI 2009, MoDELS 2007MoDELS 2006 and MoDELS 2005.

PhD topics

My PhD thesis (High-Level User Interface Models for Model-Driven Design of Context-Sensitive User Interfaces) is available online in PDF (15 MB).

Context-sensitive user interfaces

I'm interested in the creation of context-sensitive user interfaces (especially mobile devices are interesting in this regard). This research consists of two parts; the study of context and how it can be integrated in the design of user interfaces and the study of model-based user interface design and how it can be used for the design of context-sensitive user interfaces. Especially graphical representations of the models using UML 2.0.

This resulted in a UML 2.0 profile, called CUP. There are two versions of this profile:

A UML profile for the Contextual ConcurTaskTrees is also available: Contextual ConcurTaskTrees Profile and custom diagram Contextual ConcurTaskTrees custom diagram for MagicDraw 11.

Participatory Interactive Television

Participatory interactive television is a new form of interactive television in which the viewer really becomes a participant of the show. The viewer can participate in a television show from home, from behind a television or the PC. Webcams, microphones and remote controls can be used to participate to become a part of the show.

The main part of this work was performed within a research and development project funded by IWT (now part of VLAIO) in cooperation with Alcatel-Lucent (now Nokia).