
Technology has forever changed not only what we need to learn, but the way we learn.” -ISTE

The strategic instructional technology plan for Upper Dublin School District is to powerfully leverage a 1:1 learning environment to support engagement, ongoing formative and summative assessment, curricular articulation, and differentiation. A recent study by the Project RED team, ‘The Technology Factor, Nine Keys to Student Achievement and Cost Effectiveness (2011)’, found that students in 1:1 programs, coupled with key instructional strategies, outperform across all education success measures compared to those in higher student to computer ratio environments. These gains occur as ubiquitous technology enables a shift from teacher centric to student centric practices, ongoing assessment informing instruction, differentiation and personalization, and authentic engagement and collaboration. Simply increasing availability of computers in schools will not result in a pedagogical shift that allows technology to transform teaching and learning. In such environments technology remains ancillary and augmentative, rather than the central medium for dynamic personalized learning. Moreover, 1:1 programs often result in substantial cost savings (elimination of maintaining legacy equipment, shift to digital resources and curriculum, reclaiming and retention of charter students, etc.).

A 1:1 initiative, in conjunction with the district’s current two year professional development plan, will support 21st Century teaching and learning, shifting instructional practices to personalized instruction through differentiation, formative assessment and flexible grouping.


Student Achievement - Through instructional strategies that apply best practices in teaching and learning, technology will become the catalyst for instructional change which will support the curriculum, and student learning will improve.

Student Engagement - Effective implementation of technology will result in the creation of engaging and relevant curriculum thus serving as an accelerator of and for student learning.

Relevant and Authentic Learning Opportunities - Through personalized, authentic, and collaborative learning experiences, students will engage in real-world problem solving through an inquiry approach to learning.

21st Century Learning Skills - Strategic focus on blending specific skills, content knowledge, area expertise, and literacies with innovative support systems to help students master the multi-dimensional abilities required of them to be college and career ready. The three core skills are: life and career skills, learning and innovation skills, and information media, and technology skills.

Equity of Access for all Learners - We will bridge the digital divide by providing all students with access to technology tools and resources for anytime, anywhere learning.