Information for speakers

Information for speakers

Each speaker will have a maximum of 15 minutes allocated to give their talk, with a further 5 minutes for a few questions (if any) and speaker changeover. The simplest way to give your talk is to put the file on a memory stick and use the computer that is set up in the room. However, you may also choose to use your own laptop, but be sure to practice connecting your laptop to a projector before coming to the conference. Moreover, if you are using a Mac, you will need to bring your own adapter for the projector. Even if you plan to use your own computer, it is a good idea to put your talk on a memory stick as a backup. You are welcome to either present your talk with slides on a computer, or you can give a whiteboard/chalkboard talk. If you are giving a talk with slides (most commonly), please send your slides to in advance so we can have everything ready to go on the day. Speakers will be getting reminders about this closer to the conference day