Triton Car

UC San Diego's first ever car competed at the 2012 AIChE Western Regional Conference at University of Nevada, Reno. The car placed 6th in terms of overall performance and received the "Most Creative Drive System" award.

Propulsion Mechanism: Zinc Carbon Battery

Recognizing the potential of a simple dry cell battery, the 2011 car utilized it as its propulsion mechanism. A battery set up where the zinc acts as the anode and the carbon paste and manganese dioxide forming the cathode. The battery produces about 1.5 volts, which is used to power the motor.

Stopping Mechanism: Iodine Clock

Using the power of chemical kinetics, the stopping mechanism was built to use a hydrogen peroxide and iodine reaction to produce a very dark blue, opaque solution that will block a laser beam from a photosensor and break the circuit.