

High throughput functional characterization of LncRNAs in macrophage biology

Source: NIH/NIGMS:  

Funding Cycle: 9/1/20-8/31/25

Title of Project: High throughput functional characterization of lncRNAs in macrophage biology

The aim of this grant is to identify conserved lncRNAs between human and mouse and determine their roles in controlling macrophage viability and function.

Determining the conserved molecular mechanisms contributing to inflammation during Sepsis


Funding Cycle: 7.1.20 - 6.30.25

Title of Project: Determining the conserved molecular mechanisms contributing to inflammation during Sepsis

The aim of this proposal is to characterize the role that the long noncoding RNA, GAPLINC, plays in contributing to the immune response to endotoxic shock.

Determining a role for IncRNAs in smoke-induced COPD

Source: California TRDRP 

Funding Cycle: 4.1.18 - 3.31.22

Title of Project: Determining a role for IncRNAs in smoke-induced COPD

The aim of this project is to use identify lncRNAs that are induced following exposure to cigarette smoke. In addition, we will determine if lincRNA-Cox2 contributes to inflammation in an animal model of COPD.