World History TimeMaps

TimeMaps: World History Atlas

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Social Studies


The TimeMaps: World History Atlas contains over 660 history maps and 1,000 pages of high-quality supporting narrative, wrapped up in a unique interface that creates a framework for world history.


  • The World History TimeMap contains over 660 history maps and 1,000 pages of high-quality supporting narrative, wrapped up in a unique interface that creates a framework for world history.

  • See how an area of land changed from 3,500 BC right up to the modern day, on 3 different zoom levels of map and detail of historical narrative.

  • Put a geographical context on any history topic

  • Place a set of people, circumstances or events in its correct chronological sequence.

  • Compare and contrast the world and different time periods or in different places.

  • Look at specific " historical themes" and see how they weave their way through the mesh of history.

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