Class Meetings

An important component of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is every other cycle class meetings. These class meetings help students to understand the anti-bullying rules and how those rules play out in their daily school lives. Discussions, role-plays, journaling, and self-reflection are some of the possible activities included in classroom meetings. Meetings are held in each classroom one time every other cycle for 15-30 minutes. Through meetings, students learn about themselves and their feelings and reactions, as well as those of their peers. In addition, meetings build a sense of community within the classroom and allow teachers to learn more about the classroom culture, relationships among classmates, and possible bullying tendencies.

Students will learn what is bullying and what it isn't and what to do if they are being bullied, or if they know someone else is being bullied.

True bullying has 3 major components:

1. It is an intentional, negative act

2. It is repeated behavior

3. It involves an imbalance of power

The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program defines bullying as when a person is exposed, repeatedly over time to negative actions and has difficulty defending himself or herself.

Class Meetings' Topics: Topics will be added throughout the year.

  1. The Four Anti-Bullying Rules- See Rules tab.
  2. Following Rules
  3. Completing Tasks
  4. Talking with Others
  5. Disagreeing appropriately
  6. Being prepared for class
  7. Asking for assistance
  8. Asking a favor
  9. Complimenting
  10. Showing your feelings
  11. Stating a complaint
  12. Losing is learning/showing sportsmanship