
On the Singular Origin of Humanity and Sin (Link to: Working Paper)
A philosophy paper that defends the singular origin of humanity in the person of Adam, and the singular origin of sin. The article is inscribed in Catholic philosophy especially Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas. This essay shows that Adam is, metaphysically, the origin of sin and death; but physically he is also the common descendent and efficient cause of the Homo Sapiens species. It also shows that The evolutionary origin of the species from a biological standpoint can be subsumed within the Catholic doctrine of original sin. 

Upstream Reciprocity in the Battle of Good vs Evil (Link to: Working Paper; Link to: data & do-files)
In this article we investigate the effect of an initial social interaction and its impact in subsequent interactions, a phenomenon called ostrin reciprocity. We investigate both positive interaction and a negative initial interaction that can be reciprocated to the next participant. The observed behavior is correlated with a survey question on trust taken from the World Value Survey (WVS). Results present evidence in favor of positive upstream reciprocity but are skeptical on its negative counterpart. A previous social interaction has a differentiated effect depending on the self-report of trust and the way in which the interaction takes place.
Currently under review at Games and Economic Behavior

Presented at:
2022 North American ESA Meeting (Economic Science Association). University of California, Santa Barbara.

Donations and Expectations (Link to: Working Paper)


We investigate donation behavior and its dependence on expectations in the form of second order beliefs. The relationship is studied in a laboratory context through a modified third-party dictator game where the receiving end is a charitable organization and the third party is a peer with a history of volunteering for charity and whose role in the game is to provide an expectation in the organization's behalf. Results show a prevalence of guilt averse behavior and a preference for salient expectations among the guilt averse population.

Presented at:
2020 ESA Global Online Around-the-Clock Meetings. Online Conference.
BABEEW (Bay Area Behavioral and Experimental Economics Workshop) 2022. University of California, Santa Cruz.
WEAI 97th Annual Conference (Western Economic Association International). Portland, Oregon.

Projected Gradient Variants for Sparse Reconstruction (Bachelor Thesis). 

The thesis was awarded a mention in the XVII ExITAM Research Award (link in Spanish).

The full document in Spanish can be found here.