
The Operational Models Encyclopedia has moved to a NEW Google Site:

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During the late 80s and 90s, model physics came to the fore, and by the end of that period, vegetation types and greenness, and multilayer soil models became operational. By the 2010s, regional models were available that were of sufficiently-small grid spacing to allow the direct prediction of convection. Global models had mesoscale grid spacing. Parameterized processes were becoming ever more accurate and sophisticated on land, in the atmosphere, and even over bodies of water.

In this encyclopedia section, we will document the aspects of these increasingly complex deterministic NWP models. As we move forward, the details will be honed down to those that are important for you to remember in the forecast process. More in-depth training materials for new and upgraded models will also be linked from here, such as model upgrade webcasts available from the SOO Training Resource Center (STRC) and NWP training lessons available from COMET.

Use the navigation bar at left to choose your deterministic model.