Research Staff and Students

Current  Staff

Josh Ha

Josh is a graudate of the UCA Environmental Science Program and is currently working as a field technician on a project with the Division of Environmental Quality.

Brady Bowers

Brady is a graduate of the UCA Environmental Science Program.  He joined the UCA Aquatic Connectivity Team in March 2024.

Whitney Hensley

Whitney graduated from ATU with her bachelors in Fisheries and Wildlife Science in 2021. She worked for AGFC as a Fisheries Technician before joining the UCA Aquatics Connectivity Team in March 2024.

Christian Tamura

Christian graduated with a degree in Environmental Science at UCA and is a GIS graduate student at UCA. He is working as part of the Aquatic Connectivity Team, collecting data on aquatic organism passage across the state.

Current M.S. Students

Jackson Pav

Jackson joined the lab in Summer 2021 after completing his Bachelor’s Degree in Aquatic Biology from Texas State University in Dr. Tim Bonner’s Lab.  For his thesis, Jackson is examining land use and forestry practices on fish assemblages in the Ozark National Forest.

Jessica Rath

Jessica joined the lab in Spring 2022.  She graduated from UCA with a degree in Environmental Science and worked for Georgia DNR as a Stream Survey Team Fisheries Technician.  Jessica will be working on the status and distribution of the Peppered Shiner in Arkansas for her thesis.

Jarrett Tallent

Jarrett joined the lab in Spring 2023 from Tennessee Tech University worked in Dr. Kit Wheeler's lab and completed his B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Science. He will be sampling sites in the Arkansas River Valley on a project with the Arkansas Division of Environmental Quality.

Claire Binfield

Claire joined the lab in Summer 2023 from Mitchell College where she earned a degree in Marine Biology.  She will be studying how fish communities change in response to barrier removals in War Eagle Creek in northwest Arkansas.

David Nichols

David joined the lab in spring 2024.  He is a graduate of Hendrix College and has been working with Arkansas Game and Fish Commission studying mussels under the direction of Kendall Moles.  His research will be a a collaborative project between UCA and Arkansas Game and Fish.

Mack Calvert

Mack joined the lab in May 2024 from Roanoke College where worked in Dr. Steve Powers' lab and completed his B.S. in Biology. Mack will be studying the critical habitat and reproductive ecology of the Peppered Shiner. 

Current Undergraduate Research Students

Krista Yari

Krista is an undergraduate Environmental Science major at UCA and will be studying the thermal tolerances of Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the Caddo River compared to more widespread taxa.

Peyton Manry

Peyton is an undergraduate Environmental Science major at UCA and is studying the thermal tolerances of fishes in an urban stream.

Tavis Taylor

Tavis is an undergraduate Environmental Science major at UCA and is studying the decline of the Striped Shiner (Luxilus chrysocephalus) in the Arkansas Ozarks by examining habitat use and change in abundance and distribution over time.

Alivia Mayes

Alivia is an undergraduate Environmental Science major at UCA and is studying the current status, habitat use, and diet of Paranotropis ozarcanus in the Arkansas Ozarks.  This species is currently being considered for listing.

Becca Chamoun

Becca is an undergraduate Environmental Science major at UCA.  She is starting her research in Summer 2024 on the thermal tolerance of Rocky Shiner in the Cossatot River.