Group News

1) Peter Szwedo just defended his doctoral dissertation.  Congratulations, Peter! (Fall 2023).

2) Congratulations to Peter Szwedo and all co-authors for Publishing his manuscript in Catalysts (Fall 2023).

3) Congratulations to Ghada Hasan and  Aiiryel McCoy for winning the Signature Experiences Grant (Fall 2023).

4) Congratulations to Humendra Poudel and all co-authors for publishing the manuscript in the Journal of Sustainability Research  (Spring 2023).

5)  Congratulations to Humendra Poudel and all co-authors for publishing the manuscript in Bioengineering  (Spring 2023).

6)  Congratulations to Karie Sanford for successfully defending her MS thesis in Chemistry  (Spring 2023).

7) Congratulations to Humendra Poudel for successfully defending his doctoral dissertation!

8) Congratulations Sadie Goss for successfully presenting her final undergraduate project!

9) Congratulations to Karie Sanford and Sadie Goss for winning college-level research awards!