
Dissertation, Thesis & Examining Committees


Nigel Mantou Lou, Department of Psychology

Laura Monerris Oliveras, Modern Languages and Cultural Studies

Man Chung Tze, Department of Educational Psychology

Katherine Crossman, University of Calgary

Kent Lee, Department of Educational Psychology

Xiao Zhou Zhang, Department of Educational Psychology

Sarvenaz Hatami, Department of Educational Psychology

Jun Deng, Department of Educational Psychology

Rebecca Georgis, Department of Educational Psychology

Andrew Wong, Department of Educational Psychology

Shirley Fredeen, Department of Educational Policy Studies

Alice Khin, Public Health Sciences

Christine Delling, Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies

Antoine Tremblay, Department of Linguistics

Shoaleh Bigdeli, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University

Allyson Smith, Department of Educational Psychology

Jason Murray, Department of Educational Psychology

Beyong-Cheong Lee, Department of Elementary Education


Gabriela Diniz, Department of Psychology

Kathryn Everhard Chaffee, Department of Psychology

Angelica Galante, Applied Linguistics Department, Brock University

Greg Ogilvie, MEd, Department of Secondary Education

TESL Master's Capping Projects

Lasha MacQuarrie - Department of Educational Psychology

Justin Mikkelson - Department of Educational Psychology

Ardis Kolot - Department of Educational Psychology

Meghan Gordon - Department of Educational Psychology

Olivia Wall - Department of Educational Psychology

Gavin Babstock - Department of Educational Psychology

Kathy Kim - Department of Educational Psychology

Olena Motuz - Department of Educational Psychology

Elina Stop - Department of Educational Psychology

Sami Ghariani - Department of Educational Psychology

Amanda Cameron - Department of Educational Psychology

Yitao Wang - Department of Educational Psychology

Galyna Ozarko - Department of Educational Psychology

Agnieszka Ansel - Integrating grammar into a CLB lesson

Ridha Atioui - Fluency-enhancing activities in EFL textbooks

Nguyen Huong - Product versus process approaches to listening instruction

Janet Kwong - Using video excerpts to teach pragmatics in ESL classrooms

Achsah Lionel - Teaching culture in the academic English classroom

Maria Rombalskaya - Teaching comprehension of implied meaning

Brenda Chwyl - ESL Textbooks and Grammar Tasks: Linking Theory to Practice

Anne Chandler - Teaching and Learning English Articles in ESL

Jacqueline Werstiuk - The Feedback on Feedback: Has Research Influenced Pedagogy?

Krista Schwabl - A Case Study Exploring Perceptions of Plagiarism

Kimberly Chaba - Mentoring for Instructors of Adult ESL

Rose Elliot - How well do popular adult ESL materials provide pragmatic knowledge learning opportunities?

Amie Gondziola - Inductive Consciousness-raising Tasks: Learning the Meaning and Use of the Present Perfect

Leah Sallis - The use of Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship Study Guide in LINC Classrooms

Celeste Bickley - Instructors’ Perceptions of Intercultural Communicative Competence in the ESL Classroom

Andrea Kushnir - Teaching Vocabulary: ESL Instructors’ Beliefs and Practices

Daniel Ripley - Implementing Portfolio-based Language Assessment in Edmonton LINC programs

Sheila Court - Factors Affecting Refugee Youths' Academic Success: A Review of the Literature

Lori Howden-Weaver - Holistically Supporting Refugee and Immigrant Youth in Education

Anna Keaschuk - Is There a Match Between Adult ESL Literacy Instructors’ Needs and Published Materials?

Janice Lokhorst - The ESL Needs of Temporary Foreign Workers in Alberta

Jill Munro - Mentoring Teachers: Accommodated Science Assessment for ELLs

Lesli Nessim - Investigating the Role of English Language Classes for Seniors

Bonnie Nicholas - Learners’ Stories in the ESL Classroom

Sabine Stephan - ESL Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Master Teaching

Rozita Amini - Developing Learner Autonomy in the ESL Classroom

Dion Clingwall - Small Talk in ESL Nursing Textbooks

Elaine Durette - “Does that Work for You?” Analysis of Reciprocal Information Gap Task

Bonnie Holtby - Teaching EAP Students How to Write with Academic Integrity

Maroro Zinyemba - Reading Topics for Adult Immigrant ESL Learners: How to Get Them Hooked

Cara Gratton - Effects of Cloze-Talks on Grammatical Accuracy in Adult ESL Writing

Yasuaki Kodama - Japanese Students’ Contact with Native English Speakers during a Study Abroad Experience

Suzanne Oswald - “I Prefer to Take from the Teacher”: ESL Students’ Comprehension of Grammar Charts

Khalid Alkhalaf- The Comprehension of Hedges and Boosters in Academic Texts by Arabic Speaking EFL Students

Lorna Allen - Monolingual or Bilingual: Which Dictionary is Best for Which Level?

Wendy-Ann Felkowsky - Adapting Instruction for ESL Students Enrolled in a Health Care Aide Program

Jennifer Foote - ESL Students’ Perceptions of their Own Recorded Speech

Ryan Hoots - Teaching Collocation Activities in English for Academic Purposes

Vivienne Jones - A Guide to Using Webcomics for Language Learning

Ulrike Kragler - Using Consciousness-Raising Tasks for Low Proficiency ESL Learners

Julie McCargar - How Extensive Is It? An Examination of the Current Practices and Beliefs of ESL Teachers Regarding Extensive Reading

Bryant Oden - English as the Language of Scientific Research: The International Graduate Student Perspective

Karen Bennett - ESL Learners with Learning Disabilities: Strategies for Instructions and Strategies for Learning

Patrece Harasymuk- Long Distance Relationships: Delivering an Effective Online Writing Course for Advanced ESL Learners

Linda Manimtim - Great Expectations: Community Participation and Francophone Immigrants’ Expectations, Experiences, and Beliefs

Ding Fang - The Challenge of Promoting Speaking Fluency in English as a Foreign Language Instruction in China

Tamara Navarro - English 101 Instructors’ Perceptions Regarding ESL Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

Nicole Ringuette- Advising International Graduate Students to Maximize their Language Learning Autonomy

Amy Stancliff - L1 Reading in Family Literacy Programs

Hadija Drummond - The Beliefs and Experiences of Chinese Language Learners

Lesley Dudley - Integrating Volunteering into the Adult Immigrant Second Language Experience

Jason Hoy - The Use of Computer-mediated Communication in Foreign Language Courses

Melody Luikham - The Host Families' Perspective

Terence McLean - Giving Students a Fighting Chance: Pragmatics in the Language Classroom

Xuan Tan - Building an Online Evaluation for the TESL Practicum

David Thompson - Using Poetry in the ESL Class