Chapter 6 | Administrative Policies

6.1  Balances

Past due balances are a debt owed to the State of Alabama and appropriate action will be taken to collect all balances. Holds will be placed on all students’ accounts that have a past due balance. This hold will prevent receipt of grades or registration for another semester at UAH. To the extent permitted by the laws of the State of Alabama, any costs incurred by the University in collecting on a past due account, including collection agency charges and attorney fees, will be charged back to the student, who shall be liable for payment of those costs.

6.2  Billing and Payment Procedures

Location: Student Services Building, Room 123 

Phone: (256) 824-6226

All charges are due on the first official day of each semester. Tuition bills are not mailed to students. You may check your account balance by logging in to My UAH. Tuition and fee charges are automatically added to accounts upon course registration. Students become liable for rent and other housing charges upon signing a housing contract with University Housing whether or not they have actually moved into their residence. Meal plans are added via the Charger Card Office or University Housing, and Public Safety assesses parking decal fees and parking citations.

Payments should be sent to:

Please mail your direct check payments or 529 payments (Do NOT include Scholarship or Third Party Payments) to the Bursar's Office Payment Address:

Dept# 6564
University of Alabama in Huntsville
PO Box 11407
Birmingham, AL 35246-6564

Tuition will be payable at the time of registration for all who register on or after the first day of the semester.

Charges resulting from dropping, adding, or other changes will be due at the time the change is made.

Installment Payment Plan

Installment plans are available at the beginning of each semester for the management of that semester's costs. A student may set up their own plan or give access to others so they may establish a plan on the student’s behalf. 

For more information please visit: 

6.3  Campus Security Act

UAH is subject to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the “Clery Act”) passed by Congress in 1990. In compliance with the Clery Act, UAH prepares and disseminates an Annual Campus Security Report and an Annual Fire Safety Report. A copy of these reports is available online at, at the UAH Police Department headquarters and the Housing Office. From that site, students may download and print these reports. Printed copies of the reports can be obtained at the UAH Police Department, Intermodal Facility, 501 John Wright Drive, Huntsville, AL 35899.

6.4  Catalog Policy

The current UAH undergraduate or graduate catalog is only available online at 

6.5  Charger Card

Location: Charger Union, Room 131

Phone: (256) 824-2720


As the official student identification, the Charger Card Mobile ID gives students access to campus facilities and services and allows them to make purchases at participating locations.

Newly admitted students will be charged a one-time fee for a Charger Card Mobile ID. If a student requires a physical Charger Card, one can be purchased for an additional fee. Students may visit  the Charger Card Office from 8:15 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays for assistance setting up their Mobile ID. A student must be registered for classes and provide a government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, passport, etc.) prior to the University’s issuance of a Charger Card.

For more information please visit:

6.6  Dining Services

Location: Charger Union, Room 131

Phone: (256) 824-2720

Sodexo serves as the University of Alabama in Huntsville’s dining services provider. For more information on locations, hours of operation, meal plans, or to provide feedback on your campus dining experience please visit:

6.7  Confidentiality of Student Records

Location: Student Services Building, Room 120 

Phone: (256) 824-7777

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the confidentiality of student education records. To implement FERPA, the University has formulated and adopted a written institutional policy governing the handling of these records. Copies of this policy document are available to students in the Registrar’s Office and it should be referred to for a more comprehensive understanding of this subject.

6.8  Copyright and Patent Policy

UAH supports the creation and dissemination of scholarly and/or creative works. In particular, the university recognizes and reaffirms the right of its faculty and staff to publish the results of their intellectual or creative labor without undue restriction. At the same time, where institutional resources are significantly involved in the production of a copyrightable work, the university has equities in it that must be recognized. The purpose of this policy is to clarify the respective rights of the university, its employees, and third-party sponsors regarding copyrightable works.

Copyright Policy: 

Patent Policy: 

6.9  Discrimination Complaint/Grievance Procedure

Discrimination is not only unlawful and a violation of University policy, but it is disrespectful and may interfere with a student’s ability to fully participate in their education.  The University has procedures in place to address discrimination that is based on race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, veteran status and sex including pregnancy, sexual harassment and sexual violence. These procedures are intended to provide a fair, transparent, and timely grievance/disciplinary through which complaints of discrimination may be addressed.

Discrimination Complaint/Grievance Procedure: 

Sex Discrimination Complaint/Grievance Procedure:

Report a violation of this policy: 

6.10 Drug and Alcoholic Beverage Policy

Current University policy prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or sale of alcoholic beverages, controlled drugs not prescribed by a physician, and illegal drugs/substances anywhere on University property. As a recognized exception to this general policy, alcohol, may be consumed non-public areas of University Housing as long as the student is 21 years of age, as defined by the Resident Handbook. Any violation of federal, state, or local drug or alcohol laws, including those pertaining to underage drinking, is also contrary to institutional policy and will subject the offender to arrest and prosecution and to disciplinary action consistent with applicable University procedures. For students, such discipline may include probation, suspension, and expulsion.

A student organization should be aware that it may be held responsible for actions of individuals, including non-members, connected with consumption of alcoholic beverages or non-prescribed drugs made available by the organization at its functions at off-campus sites. Careful consideration of this potential liability under the law and under University policy should therefore enter into plans to offer such beverages at an activity. Possession, use, or distribution of non-prescribed controlled substances (that is, illegal drugs as defined by federal and state law) is forbidden on University property. Such activity constitutes misconduct under the Code of Student Conduct.

In compliance with the federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, all UAH students are provided a written statement by the University setting forth in greater detail the UAH disciplinary sanctions that may be imposed for unlawful drug and alcohol activity, the sanctions for such activity under the law, the health risks associated with drug and alcohol use, and counseling and treatment programs that are available.

Alcoholic Beverage Usage at University Events Policy: 

6.11 Emergency Notification and Evacuation Procedures

It is the policy of the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) to quickly inform the University community of conditions posing a threat to life, safety, and security and/or property, so that members of the community can take the necessary precautions to ensure overall safety and security including that of lives and property. UAH will utilize multiple communications modes to reach the largest feasible percentage of the impacted population, provided such notification does not compromise efforts to contain the emergency. UAH employs Emergency Notification Systems (ENS) to provide emergency warnings and follow-up information to the campus community, prior to and during an emergency. The systems use a variety of methods to furnish information and direction so that campus community members may take appropriate action to protect themselves in an emergency situation. The ENS shall be commonly known as “UAlert.” (The terms ENS and UAlert are used interchangeably in the University's Emergency Notification [UAlert] Policy.) UAlert includes the following primary modes of notification:

For more information on UAlert, visit

Emergency Notification System (UAlert) Policy:  

The University publishes the Emergency Action Guidebook online at and places a copy in many classrooms, laboratories, and office areas. The Guidebook contains recommended procedures and directions for the campus community to evacuate a building or to otherwise respond to an emergency.

6.12 Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy

UAH is committed to personnel processes and procedures that foster equal opportunity and discrimination-free work and learning environments. The university does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy, marital and/or parental status), sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, citizenship, genetic information, or status as a protected veteran. All personnel actions and programs shall be administered in accordance with the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy.

Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy: 

Discrimination Complaint/Grievance Procedure:  

Report a violation of this policy and/or an incident of discrimination: 

6.13 Grievance Procedures

Resolution of a student’s grievance, unless otherwise specified, shall begin with the University official whose decision is being appealed. If the problem cannot be resolved at this level, the matter may be pursued through the appropriate administrative chain. For academic appeals (see Section 5.19), this chain is the faculty member, the department chair, the dean of the college (or director of the division), and the Provost, in that order. For non-academic appeals, this chain is the director of the department and then the appropriate vice president. Appeals are always submitted in written form.  All students, faculty, and staff are able to submit a General Complaint to the Dean of Students Office via Charger 360.  Complaints are received by the staff of the Dean of Students Office and shared with the appropriate department for their review and response.  

6.14 Information Concerning Registered Sex Offenders

The federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act requires that, if a registered sex offender enrolls or is employed by a college or university, such information be made available to members of that campus community. Students and employees at UAH may obtain this information from the UAH Police Department and/or online at

6.15 Injuries and Accidents

When a student sustains a personal injury on UAH property, no matter how minor the injury, the Office of Risk Management and Compliance ( or 256-824-6875) should be contacted as soon as possible, but no later than two business days after the injury so that a non-employee injury report form ( may be completed and filed. Any injury occurring on campus or at a University-sanctioned off-campus event or activity should be reported.  For on-campus injuries requiring immediate medical attention, the UAH Police Department should be contacted immediately at 256-824-6911, or contact emergency services by dialing 911 for both on- and off-campus emergencies.

A student who is injured while on campus, or while off campus and engaged in a non-athletic University-sanctioned activity, and where the student reasonably believes the University may have some responsibility for the injury, may file a claim for medical expense reimbursement with the Office of Risk Management and Compliance.  The University will review and investigate any such claim.  Should the University deny such a claim the injured party may file a claim with the State of Alabama Board of Adjustment for any medical expenses or other damages incurred as a direct result of the injury. The University may be obligated to pay some or all of such expenses and damages if the Board of Adjustment determines the University is responsible for payment of such expenses. Information on filing a Board of Adjustment claim may be obtained by contacting the Office of Risk Management and Compliance .

In the event of a traffic accident on UAH property, the UAH Police Department (256-824-6911) should be notified immediately so that a motor vehicle accident report may be obtained by the parties involved.

6.16 Involuntary Withdrawal Policy

One of the university’s purposes is to ensure equality of educational opportunity while fostering an environment that promotes education, research, service, and the growth and safety of all members of its community. From time to time University officials become aware of a student who may be seriously interfering with this purpose. 

6.17 Parking and Traffic Regulations

Location: Conference Training Center, room 147

Phone: (256) 824-6595 

All motor vehicles parked on the UAH campus by students or employees must display a current UAH vehicle permit. The permit must be affixed appropriately to the rear-view mirror of the vehicle. UAH does not assume the obligation of providing a parking space for all motor vehicles. The parking plan is designed, however, to accommodate most persons desiring to use campus facilities. It is the responsibility of students and faculty/staff members to acquaint their guests, friends, and family members who drive and park on campus with the university parking regulations.

Parking Fees

Students may purchase parking permits online via myUAH or Students may elect to have permits mailed to them (during a limited time frame), or they may come to the Parking Services Office and pick up their parking permit. Office hours are Monday - Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. A complete list and explanation of UAH parking and motor vehicle regulations is available online at

6.18 Posters, Notices, and Materials Distribution Procedures

Procedures and Guidelines for Use of Bulletin Boards and for Signs

    A. Bulletin Boards. The use of bulletin boards in University facilities is subject to the following conditions:

        1. Special bulletin boards. Restricted bulletin boards (those that are locked, those associated with a particular UAH office, etc.) and University Event/Calendar Boards are provided solely for the purpose of providing a means for the University to communicate official information to the campus community. They are available for use only by UAH personnel and offices designated by responsible University officials.

        2. General use bulletin boards. General use bulletin boards, so designated, are the primary means of displaying printed material on campus. They are available for use by University and non-University persons and organizations for posting material pertinent to the University community, subject to procedures and guidelines set forth in this section.

            a. Size, contact person, and removal date. Materials should generally be limited to a maximum size of 11” x 17” (or such smaller sizes as may be prescribed by the building coordinator). The individual or organization posting the materials is encouraged to include the name of a contact person and to indicate an expiration or removal date on the face of the posted material. Posted matter is to be removed within a reasonable period of time after the purpose thereof has been served.

            b. Obstruction of other materials. A poster or notice must not be placed over other approved displayed printed material.

            c. Topics. Posted printed materials may relate to political, commercial, or other issues and subjects.

            d. Building coordinator monitoring. The building coordinator (the UAH individual who is responsible for access to a particular facility) is responsible for monitoring use of bulletin boards in the building and may take down and discard matter that has not been removed in a timely fashion or that is impermissible under this policy.

    B. Signs. The display of signs on University property is restricted to the following places and circumstances.

        1. Locations – facilities. Signs must not be attached to or posted on any University facility, including interior or exterior walls, doors, window, etc., or any fence, monument, statute, lamp post, or similar campus property, except that the University may, when deemed appropriate, place a sign in such location(s) regarding official UAH matters and programs.

        2. Locations – grounds. University student organizations may, upon receiving the approval of the Director of the Charger Union, place freestanding signs on UAH property. Candidates for student government positions may solicit support using freestanding signs pursuant to established UAH regulations governing student campaign activities. University organizations may, upon receiving the approval of the Office of University Relations, place signs on University property regarding official UAH matters and programs. Where lawful, the University may place signs on University property in support of referenda or ballot initiatives deemed by the University to promote a public purpose. An approved sign is not to be placed over or attached to another approved sign. The display of signs on UAH property by parties other than those mentioned above is prohibited.

        3. Removal. An approved sign should be removed by the University person or organization posting it within a reasonable period of time after its purpose has been served. If this is not done, the University reserves the right to remove and discard the sign. The University may also move and/or remove any sign that may impede or create a hazard for pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

    C. Unauthorized Removal. Printed material posted on a bulletin board and signs placed on University grounds by an organization or person under this policy may not be removed without permission from that organization or person, except by UAH officials acting in accordance with this policy.

    D. Particular Building Rules. The Director of the Conference Training Center, Charger Union, and the Director of Housing have issued specific rules for the Conference Training Center, Charger Union, and campus housing, respectively. The building coordinator for other UAH buildings may also establish such rules for posting of materials in the building to which the coordinator has responsibility.

    E. Impermissible Materials. Materials displayed by means of University bulletin boards and signs must not be obscene, must not be libelous, and must not be directed to and likely to have the effect of inciting or producing imminent lawless action.

Procedures and Guidelines for Distribution on University Property by University Persons or Organizations

    A. Right to distribute. A University person or organizations may publicly distribute outdoors (on University property) and in the building areas identified below petitions, handbills, flyers, or pieces of literature, subject to the limitations set out below. Distribution of written materials in such building areas on a limited basis and to person(s) known to the distributor is not within the stipulations of this policy.

    B. Location. Distribution by a University person is generally limited to the entrances to Spragins Hall and the Fitness Center and to the northerly entrance to and main lobby/foyer area of the Conference Training Center. Distribution by a University organization may occur, in addition to the foregoing locations, in the lobby areas of University academic and administrative buildings, residence halls, and the Library.

    C. Notice and approval. An application to distribute inside a University building must be submitted to the building coordinator, using a form provided by the coordinator. Such application is to be approved unless one or more pertinent limitations set forth in the following subsection applies.

    D. Limitations. Campus distribution of written materials by University persons or organizations is subject to the following conditions:

        1. Disciplinary restriction. The applicant, if a student or a University student organization, must not be under a disciplinary penalty withdrawing or restricting privileges made available to students or to a student organization, such as use of a facility.

        2. Site availability. The proposed location must not be unavailable at the time requested because of uses or events previously planned for that location.

        3. Reasonable time and place. The proposed date, time, and/or place must not be unreasonable given the nature of the proposed distribution activity and the impact it would have on University resources.

        4. Unlawful communications. The materials must not be obscene, must not be libelous, must not be directed to and likely to have the effective of inciting or producing imminent lawless action and must not contain non- permissible solicitations.

        5. Interference with regular campus activities. The distribution must be conducted in a way that does not interfere with the free and unimpeded flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic or prevent, obstruct, or unreasonably interfere with normal academic, administrative, or student activities of, or other approved activities at, the University.

        6. Harassing conduct. Other individual’s right of privacy must be respected and intrusive or harassing conduct, such as accosting individuals, shouting at them, ignoring their expressed desire not to be subjected to personal requests regarding receipt of the material, and similar behavior, must be avoided.

        7. Litter cleanup. Any litter comprised of the material being distributed must be cleaned up before leaving. A distributor of material who fails to clean up will be liable for the reasonable costs of cleanup accomplished by the University.

        8. Placement on vehicles. The distribution of flyers, advertising material, and other written information by placing such material on or in parked vehicles on University properly is not permitted.

By Non-University Persons or Organizations

    A. Governmental Entities/Organizations. A local, state, or federal entity or organization shall have the same right to distribute materials as is provided above for a University organization.

6.19 Refunds

Location: Student Services Building, Room 123 

Phone: (256) 824-6226

Student refunds are processed approximately once every week throughout the academic year. Students are notified via their UAH email account when a refund has been processed and given instructions as to how they will receive the funds. If payment was made by personal check, a refund will be issued after the check clears the bank. Students suspended for disciplinary reasons are not eligible for a refund.

The U.S. Department of Education requires the University to refund to the borrower any overpayment of fees paid by Federal Student Aid funds. Students wishing to return refunds to pay back federal loans should contact the Office of Financial Aid ( for guidelines.

Students are strongly encouraged to stay informed of their financial aid status and tracking. Improper or incomplete applications for Federal Student Aid will delay proper payment by the U.S. Department of Education. Please visit the Financial Aid website to stay informed of current financial aid requirements and guidelines.

6.20 Residency

Location: Student Services Building, Room 120

Phone: (256) 824-7777 

A determination of residency status is made at the time a student is admitted to UAH, and the student will be notified of his/her residency status in the letter of admission. A student who has lived in Alabama for less than one year immediately preceding the date of enrollment will automatically be admitted as a non-resident.  If the student believes he/she qualifies for in-state status based upon the UAH Resident/Non-Resident Tuition Fee Guidelines, he/she may apply for a change of status by completing the Alabama Residency Claim Form and attaching the appropriate documentation. The Resident/Non-Resident Tuition Fee Guidelines are outlined on Page 4 of the form. The application and documentation will be reviewed, and the student will receive written notification of the decision. For further information about the requirements for in-state residency status, please contact

6.21 Pregnancy and Parenting

UAH is committed to creating a welcoming, accessible, and inclusive environment for pregnant and parenting applicants, students, and student-employees.  UAH provides protection from discrimination based on sex and offers reasonable modifications to students and student-employees that are pregnant and/or experience childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, recovery therefore and/or are parenting.  The University is prepared to address pregnancy-related issues that implicate an array of services including University policies, housing and facilities, clinical placements, athletics, as well as offer reasonable modifications and adjustments to support the student’s temporary pregnancy status. 

If you or someone you know is pregnant, is parenting, has questions, and/or is in need of assistance, contact the Title IX Coordinator by email at, by telephone at 256.824.7854 or by visiting Shelbie King Hall, Room 357/358.

6.22 Sexual Misconduct Policy

Location: Shelby King Hall, Room 357/358

Phone: (256) 824-7854 

The University is committed to fostering a work and learning environment that is free from sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, and discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and related retaliation. The University expects individuals who live, work, teach, study, or visit within this community to engage respectfully and to refrain from behaviors that deprive community members of equal access to University programs and activities. Individuals found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to corrective action up to and including termination from employment or expulsion from the University. The University will respond promptly and effectively to reports of sexual misconduct and will take action to stop the reported conduct, to prevent its recurrence, to remedy the effects and, when appropriate, to issue discipline for violations of this policy. 

For more information or to report an incident, contact: 

Title IX Coordinator

The University of Alabama in Huntsville

Shelbie King Hall, room 357/358

301 Sparkman Drive

Huntsville, AL  35899


Telephone:  256.824.7854 

Sexual Misconduct Policy: 

6.23 Smoking Policy in University Buildings

Smoking and the use of all tobacco products is prohibited on and in all University owned or leased facilities and property. “Smoking” as used in this policy means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, water pipe, or electronic cigarette. “Tobacco products” as used in this policy include cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco (such as chewing tobacco and snuff), and water pipes (hookah). The sale, distribution, and advertisement of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes are prohibited on campus.

Smoke and Tobacco Free Policy: 

6.24 UAH Official Email Accounts

All students at UAH are assigned an official email account after acceptance to UAH. When the account has been created the address will be listed in Self-Service Banner (SSB) via myUAH in the “Personal Information” menu. The “View Email Addresses” link should be used to view it. UAH uses Google Apps as its official email service. The UAH’s Google Apps Start Page can be found online at

All official UAH correspondence will be sent to this email address. It is the responsibility of all students to regularly check this email account for official notices from the University. Additionally, email users should familiarize themselves with UAH’s Email Policy: 

6.25 Dangerous Weapons and Firearms

The University seeks to maintain a welcoming and safe educational environment for students, employees, and visitors, and adopted a policy against the possession of dangerous weapons and firearms on campus and events.

Dangerous Weapons & Firearms Policy:  

6.26 Use of Bicycles, Scooters, Skateboards, In-Line Skates, and Hover boards

Bicycles, scooters, skateboards, and in-line skates are permitted on the UAH campus as long as they are used in a safe and sensible manner. An individual riding a bicycle or scooter or skating on a board or with in-line skates shall utilize established streets and walkways and shall travel at a reasonable, prudent, and safe speed. When riding on the streets, bicyclists must adhere to the rules of the road as detailed in the State of Alabama Motor Vehicle Laws. Right of way must always be given to pedestrians and/or motor vehicles. Under no circumstances shall bicycles, scooters, skateboards, or in-line skates be used inside any building or on ramps, curbs, steps, stairs, rails, or other such structures on campus.

The use of hover boards (including charging of batteries) are prohibited within any University-owned building. A self-propelled or motorized vehicle, including a motorized version of any of the means of conveyance mentioned above, is considered a “motor vehicle” and must comply with state and campus motor vehicle regulations.

Campus Bicycle Use Policy: 

Use of Hover boards and Similar Devices Policy: