
The Edinburgh Zine Fair is a public event, and so the ultimate responsibility for the conduct and behaviour of exhibitors and attendees rests with them. 

However, we have a short code of conduct for Exhibitors. The code is compulsory, and it is for this reason we recommend all Exhibitors read it before they even buy a table for the fair.

All transactions that take place at the fair must be run through the communal checkout which is administered by Typewronger Books. Typewronger will reimburse exhibitors within two weeks of the fair. This applies both to cash and card transactions, the fair must be done this way to comply with licensing regulations. Typewronger will reimburse based on chits taken at the checkout.

As per UK law exhibitors are not obliged to accept returns or refund customers for their purchases. CAVEAT EMPTOR.

Code of Conduct for Exhibitors

Appropriate Language & Representation 

Exhibitors will not engage in abusive or offensive language. Our definition of this includes but is not limited to racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, abelist & sectarian sentiments and ultimately extends to all forms of bigotry. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

Materials for Sale 

...will likewise not include material that is racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, abelist or in any other way bigoted. The definition of this is at the organiser's discretion, but common sense should inform you if your work is just edgy or out and out offensive. If you are unsure of this, please contact us for a verdict.


The EZF is a space for a wide variety of artists and writers, and we actively welcome challenging and difficult work. However, we ask Exhibitors to be sensible in how they sell their merchandise and to suitably warn customers of potential "triggers" (images or sentiments that could provoke traumatic reactions in some individuals.) Triggers might include but are not limited to images or representations of violence, sexual harassment, torture or rape. Obviously Exhibitors are not expected to plan for every possible trigger, but as usual common sense should inform your actions.

Further Code

This is an initial code intended to advise a bare minimum of acceptable behaviour. If you believe there's a crucial area that has been missed or if you take issue with any part of the code as currently stated, please email tom@typewronger.com to open up a dialogue. Please only do this if it is something you genuinely feel very strongly about, however, as this code is deliberately short because nobody bothers reading the long ones.