
Geometry Google Classroom

Invite Code: wfhwcp7

Homework is necessary in mathematics to build on the understanding of math skills. It is crucial to the entire class that you complete your homework on time. It is important to come in for extra help if you do not understand the homework.

All class work falls under participation unless it is being continued for homework. All work done in class is subject to helping you meet your proficiencies.

Tests will be given at the end of each unit. I expect that you will study for each test in and outside of class. There will be reviews for each test. If you are absent on a review day, but know about the test, you will still be expected to take it the same day as the rest of the class. If you are absent on a test day you have three days to see me to make up the exam.

Quizzes will be given frequently in class to check for understanding. If you are absent on a quiz day you have three days to see me to make up the quiz. After three days you will take a 1 for the quiz.

Policies & Requirements

Textbooks: Need to be brought to class everyday and need to remain covered all semester. Each textbook is signed out and needs to be returned at the end of the school year in the same condition it was given to you, failure to do so will result in being charged to replace the textbook.

Electronics: Cell phone use within the classroom will not be permitted at all. You will be allowed and encouraged to use your chromebooks or personal computers for school work, but not unless asked to do so. Please make sure those are charged up and ready to go, or that you have your chargers on you. We will be using them regularly so it is helpful to bring them to school each day.

Attendance: Regular attendance in class is extremely important in order to ensure an understanding of the course material. If a student is to be absent, they should get the work ahead of time when possible, or come see me upon returning to school.

Tardiness: Be on time, or bring a pass, that simple. This means you are in the room when the bell rings, not at your locker.

Materials: Students must have a notebook or binder that is used only for math class. It is important to keep notes organized for class. It is also required to use pencil on all quizzes and tests. You may use pen on homework and class work. I will have graphing calculators available for use within the classroom, and will show you how to use your chromebooks as a graphing calculator. Any damage to a school calculator will result in you being charged to replace it. If you would like to purchase your own calculator for use on homework you may. Most homework will only require the use of a scientific calculator.

Cheating: All students caught cheating by me or any other school faculty member will be given a 1 on the assignment. This includes the student who gave the answers and the student who received them. I will also contact parents or guardians to discuss the issue and you will be written up.

Passes: If you need to go anywhere you must ask before leaving. If it is not during instruction time, quiz time, or test time I will most likely let you go. If you are leaving the room you need to get a pass AND sign out. Students should be gone for no longer than 3-5 minutes. Failure to sign out will make it so I have to revoke your privileges to leave the room, so remember to do so.

Paraprofessional: If there is a paraprofessional in the room, it is expected that they will be respected as another faculty member, with just as much authority as the teacher. They are allowed to administer punishment for breaking classroom rules. Any detentions given by the paraprofessional will be served with the teacher.

Substitute: If a substitute teacher is present, I expect you to treat them with the utmost respect. If the substitute mentions any failure to comply, you will serve a detention with me so we can discuss the behavior.

Classroom: Students are expected to abide by all student handbook rules (can be found online) while in my classroom. This includes no cell phones. I do not want to see them or hear them, so shut them off and put them away. I will allow you to have snacks in the room, as long as you clean up after yourself. If food ends up on the floor the whole class will no longer be allowed snacks. The only drink that will be permitted is water and it must be in a water bottle with a secure lid. Any behavior that takes away from the learning of others will result in a detention and/or call home.

Extra Help: If you are falling behind you are expected to ask questions in class and stay for extra help after school. If you would like to stay after just let me know and we can plan a day that works for both of us.