Walnut Elementary Presents: Peter Pan Jr.

What is the Walnut Musical?

Walnut's Musical is a showcase for the Visual Performing Arts strand of student electives. The musical is a culminating activity that embodies all areas of VPA- singing, dance, acting, and visual arts. Because of the large magnitude of this production, the musical elective is 3 sessions from January to late March, instead of the normal one session. In addition, students will need to attend after school rehearsals.

Many of our VPA magnet teachers are involved in this production- from vocal direction, choreography, directing, producing, audio visual management, student-created artwork elective, student stage make-up elective, set design, and supervision.

Students (on both magnets) are able to audition to be a part of this musical experience. Other opportunities are available for our VPA students including- stage make-up, decorations, and stage crew (6th grade only).

Audition Workshop materials are on the attach page. We will use the workshop to determine this year's cast.

Parent Meeting Slideshow

Peter Pan Jr. Parent Informational Meeting

Producer/Director- Danielle Silveira

Choreography Director- Kerry Nored

Vocal Director- Angelica Grishaw

Costume Coordinator- Angelica Grishaw

  • Sign up for :
    • REMIND App Text 81010 Text this message @e3kd48h
    • Google Classroom code: x19h6r (Students should use this to access songs and videos. They should be practicing at home, every week!)
  • Set your calendars:
    • Tech Week- Mandatory ALL CAST March 23-27th from 3:00-5:30 pm (bring water and snacks)
    • Dress Rehearsals:

Thursday, March 26th and Monday, March 30th (Tentatively Parent Helper Preview Show) 3:00-5:00pm

    • Show Week:
      • APRIL 1st and 2nd (Evening Shows)
      • April 3rd (Student show)
    • Ticket Sales:

March 19-20th cast only (total of 5 tickets per family)

March 23rd Open for all

  • Want to help… we need YOU!
  • Organize Musical shed-
  • Organize costumes-
  • Paint props/set pieces
  • Cast party coordinators
  • Cafeteria set-up and clean-up- Mrs.Silveira and Mrs. Cortinas
  • Want to build a prop or set piece? Contact Mrs. Silveira

Please be on the lookout for materials that could be donated for use in this show!

Reminders for show nights:

  • Make sure your child eats dinner and uses the restroom before coming to school that night. Bring a labeled snack/water.
  • Parents drop off students (between 5:00 and 5:30 pm depending on the amount of costume and make-up prep) at the music room for stage makeup and costumes
  • Students will have a starting point to be at before show
  • After the show, take pictures and then remove costume. Hang up costume BEFORE leaving campus.
  • Parents pick-up child at the music room at 7:30ish.