Course Outline

Minnesota History Curriculum Guide-6th Grade

Course Description

The sixth grade Minnesota history course allows students to study Minnesota history, government, and geography within the context of the history of the United States. The course will introduce students to the modern day borders or Minnesota and then educate them on how Minnesota formed as the 32nd state in the United States. Students will learn about the events, issues, and individuals significant to Minnesota history.

Please see below for our proficiency learning targets for 6th Grade Minnesota History:

Unit 1 Minnesota Geography:

As evidence based on classroom assessment and learning, the student is able to:

I can identify the title, orientation, date, author, legend, source, and scale on a map.

I can compare and contrast and identify physical, political, climate, economic, road, and thematic maps.

I can locate major landmarks, cities, and counties in Minnesota.

I can locate the 11 Minnesota Native American Reservations/Communities.

Unit 2 Minnesota Government:

As evidence based on classroom assessment and learning, the student is able to:

I can list the three branches of government in the United States and Minnesota Governments.

I can compare and contrast state and federal governments and define federalism.

I can compare and contrast the Minnesota and United States constitutions.

I can name the Minnesota State Governor and exercise my right to voice my opinion to them.

I can list the steps a bill takes to become a law in Minnesota’s Legislature.

Unit 3: Indigenous Minnesota Native American Tribes:

As evidence based on classroom assessment and learning, the student is able to:

I can explain how North America was populated by indigenous nations and how we study their impact on Minnesota.

I can identify the two Native American Tribes indigenous to the land that is now Minnesota.

I can compare and contrast the Ojibwe and Dakota cultures

I can identify the goals of the fur traders and MN Native Americans during the fur trade.

I can describe the impact of the fur trader son the MN Native Americans.

I can compare and contrast a fictional story on an Ojibwe girl to that of the lives of real Ojibwe people.

Unit 4: Expansion and Reform

As evidence based on classroom assessment and learning, the student is able to:

I can define the Louisiana Purchase and reason why the United States bought the land.

I can list the steps the United States Government took to purchase the land for Fort Snelling.

I can analyze the treaties between the United States and the Minnesota Native American tribes and state their impact on the Minnesota Native American tribes and settlers.

I can list the steps it took for Minnesota to become a state.

Unit 5: Minnesota and the Civil War and US-Dakota War of 1862

As evidence based on classroom assessment and learning, the student is able to:

I can state the two causes of the United States Civil War.

I can state the main idea of major Civil War events and their impact on Minnesota.

I can identify people involved in the Civil War from Minnesota and the United States.

I can state the reason the US-Dakota War of 1862 began.

I can compare and contrast the different perspectives settlers and Dakota people had before and after the US-Dakota War of 1862.

Unit 6: Development and Industrialization of Minnesota

As evidence based on classroom assessment and learning, the student is able to:

I will be able to state how the industrial revolution of the United States impacted Minnesota’s economy and growth of cities.

I can describe the effect immigration had on Minnesota’s culture and growth.

I can define citizenship.

I can state the main reform movements of the early 1900s and their impact on Minnesota.

Unit 7: World War I

As evidence based on classroom assessment and learning, the student is able to:

I can give examples of Minnesota’s involvement in World War 1.

I can state the impact World War 1 had on Minnesota.

I can state how and why World War 1 was fought.

I can define trench warfare and create a model trench.

Unit 8: The Great Depression and World War II

As evidence based on classroom assessment and learning, the student is able to:

I can identify the groups and individuals impacted in Minnesota by the Great Depression.

I can list Minnesota's contributions to World War II.

I can give examples of how World War II impacted Minnesotans on the homefront.