
Task #1 (75 points)

For the first task, you are going to set up a basic web page that will be your portfolio for this course and perhaps beyond. Under your Local/HTML-Documents directory, create a directory called WebApps. Make an index.html file in that directory. Make sure that everything is world readable and that you can see the pages you put up when you are done.

That index.html file should be a basic HTML file that will have links to your tasks and projects for this class. After the things for this class, feel free to put links to any other web based projects you might have worked on that you can link to.

You will also create an AboutMe.html file and have a link to it in index.html. As the name implies, this file should include a description of you that you would want potential employers to see. So highlight your experience and what you have done.

For this task, none of this needs to look good. That will be task #2, when you use CSS to make these pages so they don't look horrible.

Task #2 (75 points)

Add CSS to the pages you wrote for Task #1 so that they look better. Do this by putting a directory under WebApps called styles and make a tasks.css file in there that has the CSS you want to apply to what you created in Task #1. Then edit those files so they use that stylesheet.

Task #3 (100 points)

Make a page with an interactive table from Dougstats and link to it on your main WebApps page. There are several different tables on the links at the site. You can pick one. The table should have at least 3 columns and 30 rows, but could be much bigger. You get 50 points for a page where you can sort the columns by different values. You can get the additional 50 by adding other features, like possibly filtering data.

You only get points for your own code here. Using libraries written by others doesn't count. Note that JQuery is a library, so if you use JQuery, you aren't going to get full points.

Task #4 (100 points)

For this task I want you to create a page that has a canvas that does something interesting and interactive. A simple game would be a good example of this. I wrote an old-style Tron Lightcycles myself. Whatever you write can interact through the mouse, the keyboard, or both.

Task #5 (100 points)

For this task you need to make a PHP based set of pages that implements a task tracking system/todo list with a login. So each user can add or remove todo items/tasks that they have to accomplish. When they log back in, they should get the items they had from the last time. They should be able to log out. You need to send me login credentials for two users so that I can verify they have different logins and different lists of tasks.

You do not have to include the ability to add new accounts. Those can be hard coded or put in some data file/database that the site does not modify. If you host this on dias11.cs.trinity.edu, include something like the following so that outsiders can't do anything malicious.

if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] != "dias11.cs.trinity.edu") {

echo "<p>You must access this page from on campus through dias11.</p></body></html>";

die ();


Put the login information in the text of the login page.

Task #6 (100 points)

For this task, you will make a new version of your task list page using Play. Instead of storing the data in a database, I want you to store it in the memory of your app in a model that is properly synchronized. You should also include that ability to create new users. Note that this implementation means that if you take the application down, none of the users or todo items will be remembered when it comes back up. That is fine for now. Have enough documentation on the page you link to so that I can easily figure out how to use it.

If you want to run your application in dev mode using a different port, simply specify the port number after run. For example, in sbt use "run 9009". If you pick a port number from ethe range I assigned out, you will never have a conflict with other students.

To submit, you will need to deploy your Play application, and I want you to run it on the Pandora machine that I have assigned to you. Here are the steps to run the Play server in normal mode with the screen command so it keeps running when you log off.

    • Execute dist in sbt and then copy the resulting zip file someplace in your userspace and unzip it.

    • Go into the directory created by unzipping.

    • Do an ls and you will see there is a bin directory and a conf directory.

    • Verify that conf/application.conf has the setting you want. You have to change the crypto.secret setting if you haven't already done so. You can also set http.port to a port you should be using. Also, go to the allowed hosts and make sure that the port number on the .cs.trinity.edu entry is the port number you are using.

    • Run "screen". It will look like you just cleared your terminal, but you are really in a new shell that can stay there when you log out. If you have connected to screen before consider doing a "screen -ls" to see if your previous screen session is running and reconnect to it. (If you have only one session, reconnect with "screen -dRR".

    • In the bin directory is an executable. Run that executable: "bin/executable-name"

      • If you changed the port in conf/application.conf, then just run it with no arguments. If you didn't set the port, then give a command line argument like "-Dhttp.port=9001" with your port number.

    • You should see it print stuff saying the server is running. Connect to it with a browser to test it. The URL should be something like "http://pandora01.cs.trinity.edu:9001/todo". Make sure it works.

    • Hit Ctrl-a followed by d. This will disconnect you from screen so you can log out. For more information on screen I suggest this cheatsheet. Note that you can reconnect to that screen session with "screen -dRR" if you realize that you need to kill the server and change something.

If you are wondering how you would deploy a Play app that can be seen by anyone in the world and not just local to Trinity, you might find Heroku to be of interest.

Task #7 (125 points)

Using web sockets, make a page that includes a canvas where each person on the page shows up as some small sprite or other drawn image that they can control with the arrow keys. Everyone should see everyone else moving around.

Task #8 (125 points)

Redo task #5/6 using Play with Slick for the task storage. Include the ability to add new users. Deploy this on the Pandora machine that you are assigned to.

Task #9 (100 points)

Repeat task #4 with Scala.js. You can't use a paint program for this.

Task #10 (200 points)

Write a page using Play and Scala.js that gives people on the page a shared drawing palette. When you connect, you should start by seeing whatever has already been drawn. You get 150 points for being able to draw anything. You can get an extra 50 points if you make it more powerful with different colors and drawing options (lines, rectangles, circles).